Towards democracy

14 Towaras Democracy

with wild hair streaming, dancing frantic on her mountain tops? Italy from dreams, from languid passionate memories amid her marble ruins, to deeds again arising ; Greece; Belgium; Denmark; Ireland—liberty’s deathless flame leaping on her Atlantic Shore!

O the wild races of Africa, beautiful children of the sun, hardy and superb, givers of gifts to the common stock without which all the other gifts were useless! The native tribes still roaming in the freedom of the earth and the waters : the Greenlander and his little boy together in their canoe towing the dead seal, the tawny bronzed Malay, and Papuan, and Australian through the interminable silent bush tracking infallibly for water or the kangaroo!

Lo! the great users and accumulators of materials, the proud and melancholy Titans strugsling with civilisation ! England, ringed with iron and with the glitter of her waves upon her ; Germany; France; Russia—and the flow of East and West, and the throes of- womanhood and the future ; lo! Spain—dark, proud, voiceless, biting her lips, with high white arm beckoning beckoning! And you, too, ye manifold Stars and Stripes—unto what great destiny !

The peoples of the Earth ; the intertwining many-colored streams ! ;

China, gliding seemingly unobservant among the crowd, selfrestrained, of her own soul calmly possessed ; the resplendent-limbed Negro and half-caste (do you not see that old woman there with brow and nose and jaw dating conclusively back from far away Egypt?) ; the glitter-eyed caressing-handed Hindu, suave thoughtful Persian, and faithful Turk ; Mexico and the Red Indian (O unconscious pleading eyes of the