Towards democracy

Towards Democracy 27

When I see the sea, spreading, of infidelity, of belief in externals—in money, big guns, laws, views, accomplishments, cheap goods—towncouncilors, cabinet ministers, M.P.’s, generals, judges, bishops—all alike ;

When I look for help from the guides and see only a dead waste of aimless abject closeshayen shabby simpering flat pompous peaked punctilious faces:

O England, whither—strangled tied and bound whither whither art thou come ?


I choke!

[Or should choke—did I not know very well I could tear all these bonds to pieces like withes of dry grass: did I not know too that these are after all in place as they are, nor could be better than they are:

The natural sheath protecting the young bud—fitting close, stranglingly close, till the young thing gains a little more power, and then falling dry, useless, their work finished, to the ground. ]

Strangled, O God? Nay—the circle of gibbering faces draws closer, the droning noises become louder, the weight gets heavier, unbearable—One instant struggle! and lo!

It is Over!—daylight! the sweet rain is falling and I hear the songs of the birds.

Blessings and thanks for ever for the sweet rain ; blessings for the fresh fresh air blowing, and the meadows illimitable and the grass and the clouds ;