Towards democracy

30 Towards Democracy

You sacred ones, first interpreters, you holders up of new ideals, you greatest and least,

You who are and by your mere presence create Demo* cracy—Arise !

Thou Woman, gentleborn and sensitive, yet incapable of being shocked or disgusted—Arise !

Thou one strong Man in love sufficient, out of the heart of the people—Anise !


Hw lovers, judges ; despised, outcast, ridiculed ; princes and kings and destitute ; drudges and slaves ; mothers, free women and feminine neuters; actors, parsons, squires, capitalists, rich dinners, fine houses (it is all the same: I go back upon my own words), the parks and the opera; unobtrusive, unguessed, day by day, and year by year; talking loud, talking soft, in the fashion, and out; dreaming of duty, love, release, nature, organisation, hatred, death; ascetic, lusty, genial, maimed, incoherent, proud; by tradition military, money-broking, official, commercial, idle, literary, church, chapel and club; in all forms and in all places; weary yet unwearied ; before dawn rising and through the . window peering at the untroubled sky; weak yet indomitable ;

suffering yet filled with exceeding joy—

Age after age, under the Earth, hidden, the womb of the dead generations arising to life again, myriads of seeds, chrysalids, pupz, cysts, rootlets, transparent white bulbs of souls in Hades, by faith working many miracles ; thrills of