Towards democracy

The Central Calm 481

No pleasure, but the greater which lets the pleasure go or come ;

Not anything, but that which brings to all things grace and light.

Still the far clouds just rim the Western sky—domed masses clear above, below lost in the summer haze:

So vast the orb of heaven enfolds the earth—the rocks and seas and rivers—and the dream-walking millions of the earth ;

So vast the soul of every man enfolds his mortal deeds and thoughts,

Deeds, thoughts, desires, confused and contrary, vexing each other and vexed, in niyriads, every shade and color, form

and tongue, strange wanderers,

Dream-walking, till at length the real day may dawn.

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RAWING back for a moment from Time, and its superficial claims and conclusions,

Realising for a moment the artistic nature of the utterance of the Universe :

That all is for expression, and that for this end commencement and finale, first evolved and latest evolved, are equally important ;

That Progress is a word which may be applied to any world-moyement or individual career in the same sense as it may be applied to the performance of a musical work,