Towards democracy

The Body Within the Body 491

Were your eyes destroyed, still the faculty of sight were mot destroyed :

Out of the same roots again as before would the optic japparatus spring.

Should you die of starvation you would only begin immediately after death to take food in another way; and the timpulse of union which is at the base of sex lies so deep down fthat the first reawakening of consciousness would restore it.

Believe yourself a Whole, indivisible, indefeasible,

Reawakening ever under these, under those, conditions,

Expanding thus far, expanding less far, expanding farther ; ; Expanding this side, expanding that side, expanding all asides ;

Ever diverse yet the same, the same yet diverse—insexhaustibly continuous with the rest ;

And made for love—to embrace all, to be united

pultimately with all.

: Tue Bopy WITHIN THE Bopy

HEN life like a ghastly panorama stretches before the eye of the spiritA festal procession, as it were, continually gulfing itself in ¢ 2 quicksand ; When—waking as in a nightmare at dead of nightOne thinks of all the disease, the weariness, the suffering ) of the world as it is: