Towards democracy

The Soul to the Body 495

Strange glorious Lover! To feel again thy arms enfolding, to breathe the fragrance - of thy sun-kist skin, how sweet!

What long estrangement, dear, what nightmare has it been, divided us?

From far away what long slow exodus?

Why to the tomb in ages past didst thou descend—of Death and dread Corruption p—

While I, poor ghost, went wandering belated, and homeless and forlorn about the world?

For, as the delicate vein-winged gnat from its watery case, as Eye from Adam’s side, as Psyche from the dark embrace of Eros,

So from thee gliding, far-back, long ago—dimly I mind me now—

Slow-differenced, this wondering wandering Self was I.

'Dimly I mind the agelong alienation :

Thou body, of thy mate bereft, and falling unclean, diseased, by devils possest, in mire and filth—

Blind Maenad by thy own senses led astray!

While I, poor soul, half formed and maimed of half,

Abstract, absurd, amazed, and crucified,

To arid and unending toils was doomed, and loneliness. ]

After it all to thee, dear, to return, To feel again thy close-enfolding arms—how sweet! To know Thee now at last—(long veiled and hidden)—