Towards democracy

502 Towards Democracy

that act better—shall you come closer in reality to her whom _ as a child you saw but through a glass darkly.

Leaving and again leaving, and ever leaving go of the surfaces of objects,

So taking the heart of them with us,

This is the law.

The beauty of a certain scene in Nature,

The beauty, the incomparable beauty of the face and Presence of the loved one; 1

The sweetness of pleasure—of food, of music, of = exercise, or of rest and sleep ;

All these are good to obtain and to hold ;

Yet (when the need arises) to be able to dispense with them—that is indeed to hold and to realise them even more deeply.

When at last Death comes, then all of Life shall be to us as the house of our childhood—

For the first time we shall really possess it.

But who is ready to die to life now, he even now possesses it

Litrte Brook witnour a Name

ITTLE brook without a name, that hast been my companion so many years; Hardly more than a yard wide, yet scampering down