A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

30 Confiderations on the Scope

‘ing fire world. The other the delightful, loving, fweet, joyful, ravifhing, holy world; yet the holy world has the potence of the other, as its perfectly perpetual root or fountain. As the natural heat in man’s body is of fuch abfolute neceffity and ufe, while moderated by due proportion of cold, for that is the food of the heat ; but if either heat or cold domineer, it becomes rapacioufly ruinous.

Now, whereas it is faid above, that - darknefs and light are without beginning and co-eternal. And it being true that angels as well as all other creatures had a beginning; it may be afked, how can it be true, and in what fenfe underftood that darknefs fhould be without beginning, feeing the Holy Ghoft fays, ** God is light, <¢and in him is no darknefs at all?” 4 John 1. 5. Alfo, ** What communion ‘* hath light with darknefs 7’? 2 Cor. : Wi. 14.

This, though it be clearedin the following part of this difcourfe, yet a little to open the way as we go, that the enquirer may not be offended, nor he that feeks occafion think hefinds it; it is anfwered by way of explanation.
