A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacoz BEHMEN’s Writings. 34

What the eternal darknefs is not.

\-+That it is not meant a nefcience, or itate of not knowing, defect, or ignorance, much lefs an evil in icelf.

What is meant by eternal or original darknefs.

. But by it is underftood an adumbration, like a dark crudity or indigeftion. An eterna! original to fubftance, might, potence, and effence. A center or root (aufere and earneft) like a hot and cold fire, which principle is underftood now to be the Father’s property or firft principle; according to which he is called a jealous er zealous God, and a confuming fire. A Bovey world in its own property; fecrer, and hidden [until the fall of Lucifer] in, the fecond principle of glorious light and sracious love; as the night is by the day, or the wick of the candle by the fplendor of the light; bur is now manitefted and awakened {by feveration of the fecond principle from it] in, or upon any feparate unclean

fpirit, Or creature. PZ For