A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

‘And Reftoration by Fefus Chrift. 113

for in fuch a fpace of time the woman was compleatly finifhed, and brought forth out of Adam into a female perfon [or image]

8. And when Chrift on the’ crofs had again accomplifhed this redemption of our virgin-like image from the divided fex, of male and female [from the man and wo- . man] and tinétured it with his heavenly blood in the divine love; he faid it is” finifhed: for before he ftood in Adam’s thirft : [that is to fay] as Adam did thirft after the vanity: fo Chrift did now fill or fatiate this thirft of vanity, with the holy divine thirft, and turned the will of the foul about, that it might again introduce its thirft into God: And when this was brought to pafs, he faid; now it is finifhed, and converted: Chrift turned back Adam in his fleep from the vanity: and from the man and woman, into the angelical image again. Great and wonderful are thefe myfteries, which the world cannot apprehend ; for it is as blind in them, as a man that is born blind, is, to behold this world; but he that regards and finds them fhall have great joy therein.


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