Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



СТРАНИ ЧАСОПИСИ ACTA U NIV ERSIT AT IS CAROLINAE. Praha. luridica I, 1960, B. Rattinger: Zur staatsrechtlichen Bedeutung der Febuarereignisse. ]. Svestka: Die Veranlwortung für durch Verkehrsmittel verursachte Schäden in der tschechoslowakischen Rechtsordnung, K. Litsch: Zur Stellung der höhslen Staatsorgane in der Novemberrevolution 1918. THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW (The Journal of the American Ecconomic Association). Menasha, Vol. L, No. 1, March 1960. —A. F. Bums: Progress T awards Economic Stability. F. D. Holzman: Inflation Cost — Push and Demand — Pull. R. A. Kessel and A. A. Alchian: The Meaning and Validity of the Inflation-Induced Lag of Wages Behind Prices. R. A. Mundell: The Pare Theory of International Trade. Th. Sowell: Marx’s "Increasing Misery" Doctrine. A. P. Lerner: On Generalizing the General Theory. - M. Michaely: Relative-Prices and Income-Absorption Approaches to Devaluation. B. P. Pesek: A Comparison of the Distributional Effects of Inflation and Taxation. C S. Bell: Elementary Economics and Depreciation Accounting. S. N. Whitney: Measuring the Success of the Elementary Course. No. 2, May 1960. Објављује реферате u дискусију ca 72 годишње скупштине Америчког економског удрчжења одржане y Вашингтону y деуембру 1959. D. Ј. Dewey: Changing Standards of Economic Performance. T. Scitovsky: A Critique of Present and Proposed Standards. C. Wilcox: From Economic Theory to Public Policy. C. J. Sligler: The Influence of Events and Policies on Economic Theory, W. H. Meckling and A. A. Alchian: Incentives in the United Stales. G. Grossman: Soviet Growth Routine, Inertia and Pressure. 5. Rottenberg: Incentives in Underdeveloped Economies. W. ]. Fellner: Rapid Growth as an Objective of Economic Policy. W. W. Rostow: The Problem of Achieving and Maintaining a High Rate of Economic Growth A Historian s View. E. C. Nourse: Some Questions Emerging under Employment Act. C, D. Long: Prosperity Unemployment and Its Relation to Economic Growth and Inflation, I. Lubin: Reducing in Depressed Areas. P. A. Samuelson and R. M. Solow: Analytical Aspects of Anti-inflation Policy. L. G. Reynolds: Wage-Push and All That. A. W. Margel: Inflation Some Lessons of Recent Foreign Experience. H. S. Perloff: Lagging Sectors and Regions of the American Economy F . ]_ Welsh: The Evolving Low-Income Problems in Agriculture. E. M. Snyder: Low Income in Urban Areas. R. F. Mikesell: America's Economic Responsibilties as a Great Power. ]. N. Behrman: Promoting Free World Economic Development Through Direct Investment. P. Meek: The Revival of International Capital Markets. A. Smithies: The Balanced Budget, J, S. Bain: Criteria for Undertaking Water-Resource Developments. L. Crebler: Criteria for Appraising Governmental Housing Programs, I H. Siegel: The Role of Sientific Research in Stimulating Economic Progress. —■ G. S. Becker: Underinvestment in College Education? D. M. Keezer: The Outlook for Expenditures on Research and Development During the Next Decade. D. E. Hathaway: Migration from Agriculture The Historical Record and Its Meaning, J. C. Maddox: Private and Social Costs of the Movement of Poeple Out of Agriculture. D. C. Johnson: Policies to Improve the Labor Transfer Process. W, S. Salant: Employments Effects of United States Import Liberalization t W. L. Thorp: Trade Barriers and National Security. ]. J. Deutsch: A Canadian Looks at American Trade Policy. C. 5. Shoup: Some Problems in the Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax. D. Throop Smith: A Program for Federal Tax Reform. ]. C. Nelson: Effects of Public Regulation on Railroad Performance. A. E. Kahn: Economic Issues in Regulating the Field Price of Natural Gas. J. Margolis: Sequential Decision Making in the Firm.