Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



K. J. Cohen: Simulation of the Firm. /. Marschak: Theory of an Efficient Several-Person Firm. Th. M. Whitin: Managerial Economics and the Firm. M. Shubik: Came Theory as an Approach to the Firm. A. Zellner: Tests of Some Basic Propositions in the Theory of Consumption. ]. Mincer: Labour Supply, Family Income, and Consumption. R. C. Jones: Transistory Income and Expenditures on Consumption Categories. /. A, Brittain: Some Neglected Features of Britain's Income Leveling. —F. Th. faster: Prediction and Consumer Buying Intentions. E. E. Hagen: Turning Parameters into Variables in the Theory of Economic Growth. IV. H. Nicholls: Research on Agriculture and Economic Development. E. S. Mason: The Role of Government in Economic Development. Problem in Underdeveloped Areas. H. B. Chenery: Interindustry Research in Economic Development. No. 3, June 1960. N. M. Kaplan and R. H. Moorsteen: An Index of Soviet Industrial Output. G. H. Borts: The Equalization of Returns and Regional Economic Growth. J. M. Henderson: Monetary Reserves and Credit Control. M. E. Kreinin: The "Outer-Seven" and European Integration. S. Enke: Western Development of a Sparsely Populated Country The Rhodesias. /. VI Yance: A Model of Price Flexibility, A. A. Walters: The Allocation of Joint Costs with Demands as Probability Distributions. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW (Published by American Association for the Comparative Study of Law), Ann Arbor (Mich.), Vol. IX, No. 1, Winter 1960 A. H. Robertson: The European Court,of Humen Rights. H. C. Rupp: Judical Review in the Federal Republic of Germany. R. Slovenko: Effects of Suretyship. R, R. Dillenbeck: The Shareholder's Suit in Mexican Law. -R. S. Schubert: Compensation under New German Legislation on Expropriation. D. A. Wiesner: Enactement and Suspension of Absolute Divorce 'in Argentina. Sp. N. Vlachos: Is Damage to Machinery Good in General Average? ’ . THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (Published by the American Society of International Law), Washington, Vol. 54, No. 1, January 1960. O, Schächter: Enforcement of International Judicial and Arbitral Decisions . M. S. McDougal, W. T. Burke and I. A. Vlasic: Maintenance of Public Order at Sea and the Nationality of Ships. R. R. Wilson: Edgar Turlington 1891 — 1959. L. Gross: The Question of Laos and the Double Veto in the Security Council. H. W. Briggs: Neuchâtel Session of the Institut de Droit International. W. H. Reeves: Act of State Doctrine and the Rule of Law. Ph. J. Eder: Confiscation of Enemy Alien Property Held Unconstitutional by Colombian Supreme Court. E. H. Finch: 31st Session of Hague Academy of International Law. No. 2, April 1960. M. Domke: Indonesian Nationalization Measures before Foreign Courts. J. L. Kunz: Sanctions in International Law, R. D. Hayton: The Antarctic Settlement of 1959. O. Schächter: The Question of Treaty Reservations at the 1959 General Assembly. P. B. Potter: Relative Values of International Relations, Law and Organizations. A. V. Freeman: The Development of International Co-operation in the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy _ H, Walker, Jr.: Convention of Establishment between the United States and France. S. Yahuda: The „Inge Toft" Controversy. ANNALES DE LA FACULTE DE DROIT DE LIÈGE, cinquième année. No. 1, 1960. R. Ner son: Le Droit et la personne humaine. J. V. Rijpperda Wierdsma: Le développement du contentieux administratif aux Pays-Bas. /. Châtelain: Une solation française des problèmes de la décolonisation la Communauté, L. François: Etude critique du système légal de répartition des dommages résultant des accidents du travail. Y. Hannequart et I. Margreve: De la prescription de l’action directe en matière d’assurance automobile obligatoire.