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and J. S. Adler: Taxation of Individuals With Fluctuating Incomes. S. Sato: Water Ressources ■ — Comments Upon the Federal-State Relationship. —A. O. Armstrong, Jr.: „Municipal Inducements" The New Mexico Commercial and Industrial Project Revenue Bond Act No. 2, Map 1960. I. M. Heyman: Federal Remedies for Voteless Negroes. W. D. Slawson; Constriiutional and Legislative Considerations in Retroactive Lawmaking. D. W. Louisell and H. Williams: Res Ipsa Loquitur Its Future in Medical Malpractice Cases. THE CAMBRIDGE LAW JOURNAL (The Faculty of Law. University of Cambridge). April 1960. Justice Salmon: Crimes of Violence. L. Radzinowicz: Public Order and the Chartist Disturbances. D .L. C. AshtonCross: „Demonstratio" . M. J. Prichard: Nonsuit A Premature Obituary. THE CHINA QUARTERLY, London. No. 2, April—June 1960. A. L. Hsieh: Communist China and Nuclear Warfare. K. A. Witlfogel: The Legend of „Maoism". B. Schwartz: The Legend of the „Legend of .Maoism"’. H. Selon-Waison: The Russian and Chinese Revolutions. H . F . Schumann: Organisation Principles of the Chinese Communists. CLEVELAND-MARSHALL LAW REVIEW, Vol. 9, No. 2, May 1960. J. C. Renswick: Res Ipsa Loquitur in Hospital and Malpractice Cases. Th. Hale, Jr.: Administrator's View of Doctor-Lawyer-Hospilal Relations Th. S. Szasz: Hospital Refusal to Release Mental Patient. M. Oppenheim: Standard of Care of Medical General Practitioners. C, E. Wasmulh: Anesthesiology and the Law in the Long View. G. E. Hall: Lawyer Meets Forensic Pathologist. /. H. Hudson: Birth Control Legislation. I. N. Pen: Epilepsy Post-Traumatic or Not? C. H. Holes: Tort Actions Between Husband and Wife. —W. J. Holes: Labor Union Tort Liability. - R. Blattner: Employer Immunity in Independent-Contractor Torts in Ohio. /. E. Martindale: Third Party Actions Against Co-Employees. S. J. Cahn: New Common Law Dramshop Rule. R. R. Semeta: Journalist’ s Testimonial Privilege. V. A. Toth: The Clergyman His Immunities and Liabilities. H. L. Oleck: Foundations Used as Business Devices. R. B. Cohen: Taxation in Stockholders' Forgiveness of Accrued Salaries. R. E. Loew: Needed-Uniform Utility Rate Laws. R. Sloeenko: Boredom in Legal Education. COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW. New York, VoJ 60, No. 1, January 1960. Ч aconuc доноси реферате u дискусију ca конференџије која je одржана на Колумбиском. правном факултету y новембру 1959. W. С. Warren: The Probate. R.D. Niles: Trustee Accountability in the Ausence of Breach of Economic Power. Ph. C. Jessup: International Litigation as a Friendly Act. /. B. Weinstein: Proposed Revision of New York Civil Practice. No. 2, February 1960. A. J. Casner: Estate Planning Avoidance of Probate. R. D. Niles: Trustee Accountability in the Absence of Breach of Trust. R. W. Effland: In the Tradition Powell on Real Property. No. 3, March 1960. W. L. Cary: Reflections upon the American Law Institute Tax Project and the Internal Revenue Code A Plea for a Moratorium and Reappraisal. E. A. Farnsworth: Insurance Against Check Forgery. D. Westfall: Trust Grantors and Section 674 Adventures in Income Tax Avoidance. II DIRITTO DEL LAVORO. Roma, anno XXXIV, No. 1. Cennaio Febbraio 1960. A. Palermo: Valori umani e psicologia de lavoro. No. 2, Marzo— Aprile 1960. A. Palermo: Norme transilorie sui minimi di retribuzione. L. A. Miglioranzi: Assunzione obligatoria di invalidi e mutilati del lavoro.