Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



ECONOMIA INT ERNAZIONALE (Rivisia dell Istituio di Economia Internazionale), Genova, Vol. XIII, No. 1. Febbraio 1960. A. Bajt: Real Bond Holdings and the Rate of Interest. Z. Y . Hershlag: The Case of ~Unpaid Domestic Service" . W. J. Van de Woestijne:.Note on a Duopoly-Play. A. Hunter: Concorenza e legislazione antimonopolistica in Gran Brelagna. S. Okita: Post-War Structure of Japan’s Foreign Trade. C. Parenti: La libera circolazione dei lavoratori nel quadra del T rail at o di Roma Premesse e modi di attuazione. THE ECONOMIC JOU RN AL (The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Economic Society), London, Vol. LXX, No. 277, March 1960. J. Jewkes: How Much Science? W. B. Reddaway and Л. D. Smith: Progress in British Manufacturing Industries in the Period 1948 — 1954. R. G. D. Allen: The Structure of Macro-Economic Models. H. A. J. Green: Growth Models, Capital and Stability. ] Bhagwati and H. G. Johnson: Notes on Some Controversies in the Theory of International Trade. J. Wewelsfelder: The Short-term Effect of the Lowering of Import Duties in Germany. A. E. Jasay: The Social Choice between Home and Overseas Investment. Sir Ralph Hawtrey: Production Functions and Land A New Approach. No. 278, June 1960. E. J. Mishan: A Survey of Welfare Economics, 1939 — 1959. E. R. Black: The Age of Economic Development. Sir Roy Harrod: Second Essay in Dynamic Theory. J. L. Sadie: The Social Anthropology of Economic Underdevelopment. B. Reading: The Forward Pound 1951 — 59. K. K. Kurihara: Real Balances, Expectations and Employment. A. A. Wallers: Marginal Productivity and Probability Distributions of Factor Services. M. H. Peslon: Income Distribution in the Edgeworth Box Diagram. S. Stykolt and H. C. Eastmann: A Model for the Study of Protected Oligopolies. M. Howe and C. Mills: The Withdrawal of Railway Services. T. Balogh: International Reserves and Liquidity. ECONOMICA (Published by the London School of Economics and Political Science), Vol. XXVII, No.' 105, February 1960. R. C. Lipsey: The Relation between Unemployment and the Role of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1862 — 1957. J. R. Could: The Firm’s Demand. Z. Clark Dickinson: Fred M_ Taylor's Views on Socialism. R. F. C. Alford: A Taxonomic Note on the Multiplier and Income Velocity. K. Lancaster: Mrs. Robinson s Dynamics. No. 106. May 1960. F. Machlup and M. Taber: Bilateral Monopoly, Successive Monopoly, and Vertical Integration. C. A. Blyth: Towards a More General Theory of Capital. - H. M. Douty: Some Effects of the $ 1.00 Minimum Wage in the United States. G. F. Thirlby: Economists’ Cost Rules and Equilibrium Theory. T. W. Hutchison: Methodological Prescriptions in Economics. D. C. Coleman: The New Age of Technology, 1750 — 1900. ECONOMIE CONTEMPORAINE. Paris, 19 « année. No. 142, 12 Janvier 1960. F.-V. Féraud: Faisons le point sur le commerce extérieur de la France. P. Abelin: Communauté européenne en pays tiers. P. Tarot: La monnaie de la T erre promise. P. H amp: Le réarmement moral. No. 143, 19 Janvier 1960. ■ — L. Weiss: A. Camus ou l’homme désintégré. G. Morancé: La France devant le Marché commun atlantique. ]. d Argice: Le cas suédois. X. Leurquin: L’avenir du franc lourd. P.-H. Simonin: Le droit civil au Liechtenstein. Wagenführ: Productions soviétique et américaine. No. 145, 2 Février 1960. F.-V. Féraud: L’économie américaine en 1960. X. Leurquin: La nécessaire stabilité monétaire. J. Pélissier: L agriculture algérienne. No. 146, 9 Février 1960. F.-V. Féraud: Problèmes du Marché commun. L. Weiss: Psychanalyse des musulmans. P. Turot: Les crédits internationaux. M. Cottaz: L’Algérie vue de New. York. M. Mignon-Cardet: Nou-