Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



No. 2, April 1960. C. Hägglöf: A Test of Neutrality Sweden in the Second World War. 5. Touré: The Republic of Guinea. G. Goodwin: The Expanding United Nations. I. Voting Patterns . Sir Edgar Whitehead: Southern Rhodesia. L Kraft: The French Sahara and Its Mineral Wealth. F. Behnam: The Commonwealth Economy in Southeast Asia. THE INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW QUARTERLY, London, Vol. 9. Part 1, January, 1960. G. H. L. Fridman: Choice of Law Coverinin g the Testamentary Exercise of Powers of Appointment over Movables. G. H Jones: Conflicts of Jurisdiction in the United Kingdom. D. E. Murray: Sale in Market Overt. D. Lasok: A Legal Concept of Marriage and Divorce (A Comparative Study in Polish and Western Family Law). A. P. Rubin: The Sino-Indian Border Disputes. Part 2, April 1960. J. K. Crodecki: State Economic Arbitration in Poland. G, C. Morgan: The "Proposal" of the Soviet Procurator. E, L.: River Boundaries Legal Aspects of the Shatt-al-Arab Frontier. E. Schwelb: Charter Review and Charter Amendment Developments in 1958 and 1959. E. Lauterpachi: The Contemporary Practice of the United Kingdom in the Field of International Law Survey and Comment. S. Tucker: The Legitimacy Act, 1959 Putative Marriages Resurrected? P, o'Higgins: The Irish Maritime Jurisdiction Act. 1959. K. R. Simmonds: Implied Waiver of Immunity Permissible Counterclaims against a Sovereign Plaintiff. JAHRBÜCHER FÜR NATIONALÖKONOMIE UND STATISTIK. Stuttgart, Band 172, H. 1. Februar 1960. A. E. Olt: Ein statisches Modell der Preisbildung im Einzelhandel. K. Borchardt: Preisbildung und Konkurrenz im Einzelhandel unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Probleme der Mehrproduktunternehmung. W. Feld: Neue Schriften zur italienischen Agrarpolitik. H. 2, April 1960. F. A. Lutz: Die Nachfrage nach Geld. /, van Klaveren: John Law und die Aristokratie während der Regentschaft. A. E. Oti: Zum Problem des technischen Fortschritts . H. .3, Juni 1960. W. P. Eale: Wirlschaftsstabilisierung und Wirlschaftsfreiheit. H. Lampert: Die Preisfürerschafl. Versuch einer umfassenden Darstellung. S. Klatt: Wachstumstheoreiische Beziehungen in der Akkumalationstheorie von Karl Marx. THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW. CRIMINOLOGY AND POLICE SCIENCE (Northwestern University School of Law), Baltimore, Vol, 50, No. 5, January—February 1960. S. R. Hathaway. E. D. Monachesi and L. A. Youngs Delinquency Rates and Personality. M. R. Haskell and H. Ashley Weeks: Role Training as Preparation for Release from a Correctional Institution, L. G. Schultz: Interviewing the Sex Offender’s Victim. M. M. Miller: Psychodrama in the Treatment Program of a Juvenile Court. R. M. Coe: Relationships of Scores and Education to Adjustment. O. W. Ritchie: Thoughts upon an Impact Study of an Industrial School for Male Delinquents. M. J. Beemsterboer: The Juvenile Court Benevolence in Star Chamber. G. E. Misner: Recent Developments in the Metropolitan Law Enforcement. 5. S. Kind: Useful Application of the Agar Double-Diffusion Technique in the Precipiting Test. P. ]. Girard: Burglary Trends and Protection. D. A. Wolf er and W. J. Lee: Application of Magnetic Principles to the Restoration of Serial Numbers. No. 6, March—April 1960. C. Kanun and E. D. Monachesi: Delinquency and the Validating Scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. R. W. England, Jr.: A Theory of Middle Class Juvenile Delinquency. ]■ M. Canals: Classicism, Positivism and Social Defense F. T. Rafferty: Men in State Prison. L. M. Dubin: The Informer's Privilege versus the Constitutiton. M. E. Pearl: Applicability of ike Bill of Rights to a Court-Martial