Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



Proceeding. E. S. Silver: Law Enforcement and "Wire Tapping". D. A. Black: Forgery Above a Genuine Signature. A. P. Chess; Civilian Emploees in a Police Department. E. M. Rudwick: Police Work and the Negro. R. A. Myren: A Crisis in Police Management. Vol. 51, No. 1, May—June 1960. K. Schwerin: Historical Note on the Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science. F. J. Remington: Criminal Justice Research. H. Siloing: Psyhoanalysis and the Criminal Law. M. Lopez — Rey: Juvenile Delinquency, Maladjustment and Maturity. R. H. Beattie: Criminal Statistics in the United States 1960. V. E Grimm: Principals, Accessories and the Continuing Crime. G. A. Cohon: Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of Out of State Witnesses in Criminal Cases. - W. Fong, M. Flohr and G. W. Roche: Identification of Parking and Turn Signal Lenses. JOURNAL DU DROIT INTERNATIONAL. Paris, 87? année, No. 1, Janvier —Mars 1960. P. Vellas: L’organisation internationale de métrologie légale. A, Cocatre-Zilgen: Transports internationaux et droit international public. A. Tomasi: La Convention franco-allemande d'établissement du 27 octobre 1956. No. 2, Avril —Juin 1960. R. Pinto: Les pavillons de complaisance. R. Goy: L’affaire des pêcheries islandaises. • THE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY (Published by the University of Chicago), Vol. LXVII, No. 5, October 1959. G. C. Archibald: Utility, Rick, and Linearity. A. Kahan: Changes in Labor Inputs in Soviet Agriculture. H. Wolozin: Inflation and the Price Mechanism. M. J, Bailey: Formal Criteria for Investment Decisions. S. Kannappan: The Tata Steel Strike Some Dilemmas of Industrial Relations in a Developing Economy, W. Fellner: Relative Permanent Income Elaboration and Synthesis. A. P. Lerner: Consumption-Loan Interest and Money, P. A. Samuelson: Reply. No. 6, December 1959. R. C. James: Labor Mobility, Unemployment, and Economic Change An Indian Case. R. C. Blitz: Maintenance Costs and Economic Development. C. Tullock: Problems of Majority Voting. D. Carson: Bank Earnings and the Competition for Savings Deposits. M. Shinokara: The Structure of Saving and the Consumption Function in Postwar Japan. A. L. Harris: J. S. Mill on Monopoly and Socialism. L. Grebler, D. M. Blank, and L. Winnick: Once More Capital Formation in Residential Real Estate. .M, C. Reid: Reply. Vol. LXVIII, No. I, February 1960. J. L. Stein: A Method of Identifying Disturbances WhickSProduce Changes in Money National Income. —• J. W. Fredrickson: The Economic Recovery of Finland since World War 11. N. W. Taylor: French Canadians as Industrial Entrepreneurs. L. B. Yeager: " Methodenstreit’’ over Demand Curves. M. C. Kemp: The Mill-Bastable Infant-Industry Dogma. Z. Criliches: Are Farmers Irrational? W. H. Meckling: An Exact Consumption-Loan Model of Interest. P. A. Samuelson: Infinity, Unanimity, and Singularity. No. 2, April 1960. R. H. Timberlake. Jr.: The Specie Circular and Distribution of the Surplus. L. M. Schur: The Second Bank of the United States and the Inflation after the War of 1812. W. H. Nicholls: Industrial Urban Development and Agricultural Adjustments, Tennessee Valley and Piedmont, 1939 — 54. V. A. Mund: Identical Bid Prices. D. W. Johnson: Wage Escalators and Inflation in Denmark, 1945 — 55. J. E. Moes: The Economics of Slavery in the Ante Bellum South. THE JOURNAL OF POLITICS (Published quarterly by the Southern Political Science Association), Gainesville (FI.), Vol. 22, No. 1, February 1960. R. Emerson: Nationalism and Political Development. /. LaPalombara: The