Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



L. Prosser: Privacy. —• C. J. Olmslead: Economic Development Loan Agreements. C. M. Bergman: Contractual Restrictions on the Forum. L. M. Brown: The Case of the Relived Facts. No. 4, October 1960. A. H. Sherry: Vagrants, Rogues and Vagabonds Old Concepts in Need of Revision. S. A. Riesenfeld: The Legal Protection of Competition in France, LU. IV. Van Alstyne: International Law and Interstate River Disputes. M. Juviler: Psychiatric Opinions as to Credibility of Witnesses. No. 5, December 1960. -5. A- Riesenfeld: California Legislation Curbing Deficiency Judgments. /• R. Hetland: The California Land Contract. G. M. Razi: Legal Education and the Role of the Lawyer in the Soviet Union and the Countries oj Eastern Europe. THE CAMBRIDGE LAW JOURNAL, London, November 1960. E. V. Rostow: The Enforcement of Morals. R. N. Cooderson: Prejudice as a Test of Intent to Defraud. J. A.'Jolowicz: The Changing Use of „Special Damage' and its Effect. THE CHINA QUARTERLY, London, No. 3, July—September 1960. S. H. Chen: Multiplicity in Uniformity Poetry and the Great Leap Forward. A. M Halpern: Communist China and the Peaceful Co-existence. A-.S. Whiting: Sinkiana and Sino-Soviet Relations. L. C. Green: Legal Aspects of the Sino-Indian Border Dispute. . L. A. Orleans: Birth Control Reversal or Postponement? D. E. T. Luard: The Urban Communes. L. Brisby: Bulgaria Leaping Forward without Communes. M Esslin: East Germany Peking-Pankow Axis? T. Aczél: Hungary Clad Tidings from Nanking. L. Labedz: Poland The Small Leap Sideways. No, 4, October—December 1960. D. W. Klein: Peking’s Evolving Ministry of Foreign Affairs. K. H. Pringsheim: New Dimensions in China’s Foreign Policy. DEMOCRAZIA E DIRITTO (A cura deli'Associazione Italiana Ciurisli Democratic':), Roma, anno I°, No. 3, Luglio-Seltembre 1960. U. Natali: Sal ~ruolo” del giurista nel mondo contemporaneo. U. Cerroni: Parlementa e Società. L. Ascoli: Stato di diritto e democrazia rappresentativa. No. 4, Otiobre-Dicembre 1960. Z. O. Algardi: Limiti incostituzionali alia manifestazione del pensiero ed alla libertà dell’arte. C. Nocera: Diritto come scienza, ragione di un incontro fra giurisli di sistemi diversi. D. Vincenzi: Aspelti delfattuale disciplina dei rapporti fra coniugi nel quadra del principio costituzionale di eguaglianza. ECONOMIA INT ERN AZION ALE (Rivista dell'lstituto di Economie Iniernazionale), Genova, Vol. XIII, No. 2, Maggio 1960. D. D. Humphrey and C. E. Ferguson: The Domestic and World Benefits of a Customs Union. V. Sirotti: I modelli di sviluppo economico un analisi comparala. No. 3, Agosto 1960. /. Amuzegar: Atypical Backwardness and Investment Criteria. M. Gottlieb: The Multiplier (Secondary Wave). A. Heerije: On the Theory of Oligopoly. A. E. Jasay: Politico nazionale e mercalo interenazionale dei caoitali. No. 4, Novembre 1960. S. Choch: Monetary Control in an Undeveloped Economy. ECONOMICA (Published quarterly by the London School of Economics and Political Science), Vol. XXVII, No. 107, August 1960. E. Penrose: Middle East Oil The International Distribution of Profits and Income Taxes. R. D. Collison Black: levons and Cairness. E. Kleiman: Comparative