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Advantage, Craham’s Theory, Activity Analysis. D. W. Jorgenson: On Stability in the Sense of Harrod. H. L. Miller. A Note on Fox’s Theory of Second-Hand Markets. R. C. Davis and W. C. Mellon: Majumdar on „Behaviourist Cardinalism". T Majumdar: A Reply. /. Wiseman: The Public EconomyNo. 108, November 1960. K. Hancock: Unemployment and the Economists in the 1920’5, R L. Meek: The Interpretation of the ~Tableau économique". M. H. Peston and B. S. Yamey: Inter-Temporal Price Relationships with Forward Markets A Method of Analysis. THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL (The Royal Economic Society), London, Vol. LXX, No. 219, September 1960. Symposium on Restrictive Practices Legislation J. Wiseman (Economic Analysis and Public Policy), A. Lloyd (The Lawyer’s Point of View), J. B. Heath (Some Economic Consequences). —■ P. Einzig: Some Recent Changes in Forward Exchange Practices. R. C. Lipsey: The Theory of Customs Unions A General Survey. V. K. Ramaswami: The Effects of Accumulation on the Terms of Trade. /. Parry Lewis: Building Cycles ■ — A Regional Model and its National Setting. —P. Wells: Keynes' Aggregate Supply Function. K. Hancock: Wages Policy and Price Stability in Australia, 1953 — 60. No. 280, December 1960. J. R. Hicks: Linear Theory. R. S. Sayers: Monetary Thought and Monetary Policy in England. E. H. Phelps Brown and M. H. Browne: Distribution and Productivity under Inflation, 1947 — 57. - K. Kajima: Capital Accumulation and the Course of Industrialisation, with Special Reference to Japan. L. B. Shaynin: Proportions of Exchange. I. Adelman: Business Cycles Endogenous or Stochastic? A. Qayum: Theory of Income Generation and Economic Growth. ENCOUNTER, London, Vo I. XV, No. 1, July 1960. K. Amis: Lone Voices (Views of the Fifties). I. Berlin: Russian Populism, H. Luelhy : General De Gaulle. R. H. S. Crossman: Palestine Regained. No. 2, August 1960. ■ — I. Kristol: High, Low, and Modern (Some Thoughts on Popular Culture and Popular Government), No. 3, September 1960. - B. Inglis: The Psychopath. —R. Lowenthal: The Points of the Compass. No. 4, October 1960. C. A- R- Crosland: On the Left Again. No. 5, November 1960. ]. Sirachey: The Strangled Cry. S. Raven: Boys Will Be Boys (The Male Prostitute in London). D. Riesman: The Uncommited Generation. No. 6, December 1960. A. Schlesinger, Jr.: On Heroic Leadership and the Dilemma of Strong Men and Weak Peoples. ETUDES (Revue trimestrielle internationale publiée par l’lnstitut Imre Nagy de sciences politiques à Bruxelles), No 4, Avril 196 Q. Numéro spécial sur les quinze années d'après-guerre en Hongrie. G. Heltai: Réflexions sur les transformations structurelles de la société hongroise depuis 1945. B. Nagy: Imre Nagy et la révolution hongroise. P. Kende: Changements des structures économiques, revenu national et niveau de vie dans la Hongrie d’aprèsguerre. No. 6, Octobre 1960. B. Nagy: Le destin du socialisme et le „victoire" de la révolution hongroise. C. Calli: Situation du socialisme en Italie. P. Broué: Le mouvement socialiste en France. K. Langfeldt: Le socialisme Scandinave et le mouvement travailliste norvégien. E. Fromm: Manifeste et programme socialistes. A. Kashin: La Chine et la philosophie marxiste-léniniste.