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of Courts and Authorities Enforcing the Criminal Law in British African Territories. D. W. Bowelt: The Second United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. /. Hanessian: The Antarctic Treaty 1959Part 4, October 1960. IV. L. M. Reese: Contracts and the Restatement of Conflict of Laws. /..TV. D. Anderson: A Law of Personal Status for Iraq. G. D. Nokes: Irish Law in English Courts. E..J. Cohn: The German Attorney. P. Benjamin: Penalties, Liquidated Damages and Penal Clauses in Com , mercial Contracts A Comparative Study of English and Continental Law. D. J. Padwa: Submarine Boundaries. - E. Schwelb: International Conventions on Human Rights. INT ERN AT lON AL JOURNAL (Published by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs), Toronto, Vol. XV, No. 1, Winter 1960. E. S. Kirby: The Foreign Policy of Communist China. H. Tinker: Climacteric in Asia. ]. M. Van der Kroeflndonesia at the Crossroads. H. C. Skilling: Communism National or International? R. H. McNeal: Khrushchev and Clio. K. Birrenbach: Europe, the European Economic Community, and the Outer Seven . No. 2, Spring 1960. N. Craebner: The Cold War An American View. A. P. Thornton: Aspects of West Indian Society. D Anglin: Canada and Apartheid. W. Malenbaum: Growth Model for Asia India or China? • K. Forster: The Finnish-Soviet Crisis of 1958 — 59. JAHRBÜCHER FÜR NATIONALÖKONOMIE UND ST AT AST IK. Stuttgart, Bd. 172, H- 4, Juli 1960. - C. Hosmalin: Der soziologische Ansatz und die ökonomische Theorie der Einkommensverteilung in Frankreich. St. Varga: Freie und wirtschaftliche Güter. H. 5, Dezember 1960. W. Krelle: Die Investitionsfunklion. U. Gruber: Wachstumstheoretische Beziehungen in der Akkumulationstheorie von Karl Marx. H. J. Jaksch und H. König: Zur Ordnung der Produktions Struktur von Vielsektorenmodellen. THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW, CRIMINOLOGY AND POLICE SCIENCE (Northwestern University School of Law), Baltimore, Vol. 51, No. 2, July-August 1960. Објављен низ прилога o теми ~The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination”. L. Diana: What is Probation? f. C. Ball and N. Logan: Early Sexual Behavior of Lower-Class Delinquent Girls. No. 3, September-october 1960. Sh. Clueck: The Years of ~Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency”. Th. A. Flannery: Meeting the Insanity Defense. J■ F . Handler: Background Evidence in Murder Cases. —M. Schmideberg: Offender's Altitude Toward Punishment. No. 4, November-December 1960. Низ прилога o притвору и затвору y САД и другим земљама. JOURNAL DU DROIT INTERNATIONAL. Paris, 87 * année. No. 3, Juillet-Aout-Septembre 1960. K. R Simmonds: Le traité sur Г Antarctique de 1959. ■ — J. Dehaussy: Les conditions d’application des normes conventionnelles sur le for interne français. No. 4, Octobre-Novembre-Décembre 1960. P. Weiss: Le concept de réfugié en droit international. • J. -D. Bredin: La Convention de New-York du 10 juin 1958 pour la reconnaissance et l’exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères. KÖLNER ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SOZIOLOGIE UND SOZIALPSYCHOLOCIE, Köln-Opladen, 12. Jg., 1960, H. 3. R. Bendix: Max Webers Cesellschaftsbild. V. S. Erlich: Das erschütterte Gleichgewicht in der