Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



FINANZARCHIV, Tübingen, Bd. 20, H. 3, November 1960. H. Ito: The Methodological Basis of the Principles of Taxation. L. Kullmer: Zeitwahl und administrativer V öllzug als Probleme einer konjukturorientierten Finanzpolitik. R. Sprung: Die Wirkungen eines sich im Umfang änderden, eusgegliechenen Budgets auf den ökonomischen Kreislauf. K Häuser: Die Unüberwälzbarkeit der Einkommen- und Körperschaf tsteuer bei Gewinnmaximierung. FOREIGN AFFAIRS, New York, Vol. 38. No. 4. July 1960 L. B. Pearson: After the Paris Debacle. M. A. Khan: Pakistan Perspective. H. A . Kissinger: Arms Control, Inspection and Surprise Attack. B. D. Wolfe: The New Gospel According to Khrushchev. F. Lewis: The Unstable States of Germany. R. S. Manglapus: The State of Philippine Democracy. M. I. Goldman: The Soviet Standard of Living and Ours. M. F. Hill: The White Settler's Role in Kenya. S. W. Washington: Crisis in the British West Indies. R. H. Davison: Where Is the Middle East? Vol. 39, No. 1, October 1960. C. F. Hudson: Russia and China. E. O. Reischauer: The Broken Dialogue with Japan. A. A. Berle: The Cuban Crisis. H. K. Jacobson: Our „ Colonial" Problem in the Pacific. P. M. Gallois: New Teeth for NATO. M. Howard: Britain’s Defenses. R. L. Powell: The Communist Chinese Militia. M. Camps: Britain, the Six and American Policy. 5. Okita: Japans Economic Prospects. B. Shiva Rao: The Future of Indian Democracy. INDIA QUARTERLY (A Journal of International Affairs, published by the Indian Council of World Affairs), New Delhi, Vol. XVI, No. 1, January-March 1960. H. Kabir: Congress Ideology A Statement. - A. Verdross: Austria, Neutrality and the United Nations. M_ 5. Rajan: India and the Commonwealth, 1954 — 56. M. S. Venkataramani: The U. 5. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and India, 1958 — 59. No. 2, April-June 1960. A. J. Dastur: Twenty-five Years of Indian Socialism. /. Willmann: The European Economic Community. M. Maung: New Parliament in Burma. J. W. Williams: The Economy of Ghana. B. C. Tewari and U. Phadnis: India-China Border Areas’ Dispute A Selected Bibliography. No. 3, July-September 1960. M. S. Rajan: Indian Foreign Policy in Action, 1954 — 56. G. Mathieu: The Six After Two Years. H. Bechtoldt: Germany and the Common Market. N. Marbury Efimenco: Categories of International Integration. No. 4, October-December 1960. I■ H. M. Pinder: Britain s Choice in Europe. • Y. Dror: Structure & Working of the Israel Government. —O. Sik: Economic Policy in People's Democratic Chechoslovakia. R. Pal: Renunciation of Force in Inter-State Relations. M. Maung: The Burma-China Border. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Issued under the auspice of the Royal Institute of International Affairs), London, Vol. 36, No. 3, July 1960. H. Selon-Walson: Soviet Foreign Policy on the Eve of the Summit M. Wight: Brutus in Foreign Policy The Memoirs of Sir Anthony Eden. B. Crazier and G. Mansell: France and Algeria. W. Clark: New Forces in the United Nations. L. Kohn: Israel's Foreign Relations. THE INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW QUARTERLY, London, Vol. 9, Part 3, July 1960. E. Spiro: The Incidence of Time in the Conflict of Laws. —J. Patey: Recent Reforms in French Criminal Law and Procedure. J. H-Jearey: The Structure, Composition and Jurisdiction