Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



A No-Man’s Land in the Criminal Law. C. J. Olmstead: Economic Development Agreements. THE CAMBRIDGE LAW JOURNAL, London, April 1961. C. A. Wright: The Adequacy of the Law of Torts. —■ G. Williams: Causation in the Law. J. C. Hall: New Developments in Mistake of Identity. B. E. King: The Norm in the Bottle. THE CHINA QUARTELY, London, No. 6, April-June 1961. H. Welsh: Budhism under the Communists. J. Bradbury: Sino-Soviet Competition in North Corea. Ch. A. Johnson: An Intellectual Weed in the Socialist Garden The Case of Chi’ en Tuan-sheng. R. Hsia: The Intellectual and Public Life of Ma Yin-ch’u. W. K.: Communist China’s Agricultural Calamities. J. Watt: The Effect of Transportation on Famine Prevention. G. N. Patterson: The Situation in Tibet. —• Објављен je и већи број прилога о развоју наука y HP Кини. No. 7, July-September 1961. A. M. Halpern: The Foreign Policy Uses of the Chinese Revolutionary Model. —■ D. S. Zagoria: The 1957 Moscow Conference and the Sino-Soviet Dispute. D. W. Klein: Peking’s Leaders A Study in Isolation. J. S. Aird: Population Growth Evidence and Interpretation. L. A. Orleans: Problems of Manpower Absorption in Rural China. J. Ph. Emerson: Manpower Absorption in the Non-Agricultural Branches of the Economy of Communist China, 1953 — 58. —■ H. Passin: Sino-Indian Cultural Relations. — R. Goldman: Peking University Today. —• R. Hsia: The Development of Mainland China’s Steel Industry since 1958. W. K.: The State of Nutrition in Communist China. B. Crazier: Peking and the Laotian Crisis. S. Katrak: India’s Communist Party Split. ECONOMIA INTERNAZIONALE (Rivista dell’lstituto di Economia Internazionale), Genova, Vol. XIV, No. 2, Maggia 1961. •- L. Amoroso: Si livellano i valori azionari al saggio di interesse di mercato? В. Balassa: Economies of Scale in the European Common Market. P. H. Gommers: Government Expenditure Policy and Micro Multiplier Effects. R. Kumar: The Concept of Compensatory Official Financing A Restatement for Balance-of-Payments Policy. F. Brambilla: Un modello interpretativo della distribuzione del redditi. J. M. Naharro: II piano di stabilizzazione dell’economia spagnola. THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL (The quarterly journal of the Royal Economic Society), London, Vol. LXXI, No. 282, June 1961. G. L. S. Shackle: Recent Theories Concerning the Nature and Role of Interest. A. Smithies: Rising Expectations and Economic Development. P. Kilby: African Labour Productivity Reconsidered. C. Kennedy: Technical Progress and Investment. R. Harrod: The „Neutrality” of Improvements. W. Fellner: Two Propositions in the Theory of Induced Innovations. D. W. Jorgenson: The Development of a Dual Economy. R. R. Nelson: A Note on Stability and the Behaviour Assumptions of Harrod-type Models. M. Fg. Scott: A Tax on Price Increases? C. H. Feinstein: Income and Investment in the United Kingdom. 1856 — 1914. No. 283, September 1961. A. K. Sen: On Optimising the Rate of Saving. P. L. Cook: Orderly Marketing or Competition? M. Fleming: Costinduced Inflation and the Quantity Theory of Money. J. E. Meade: Mauritius A Case Study in Malthusian Economics. P. Newman: Basic Assumptions in Preference Theory. A. P. Lerner: A Note on the Rate of Interest and the Value of Assets. M. Brown: Overinvestment during Prosperity. A. L. Marty: A Geometrical Exposition of the Keynesian Supply Function. C. A. Thanos: Open-market Operations and the Portfolio Policies of the Commercial Banks. D. Dosser: Tax Incidence and Growth. P. Einzig: Statics and Dynamics of the Euro-dollar Market. J. Robinson: Own Rates of Interest.