Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



чительства нельзя осуществить, если органы попечительства в своей работе пользуются исключительно трафаретными методами. Услуги компетентных спеднальстов, психологов, врачей, педагогов и социальных работников были бы необходимыми и автор отстаивает совсем иную структуру органов попечительства чем существующие ныне.

SUMMARY Entrustment of children to the care and upbringing as the consequence of divorce The author discusses in this article the matter of entrustment of children in the case of divorce to the one of parents, in the Yugoslav and comparative legislations. All legislations, without regard of the existing différencies of the legal regulations on this question, pay attention to the children’s interests. The author attempts to determine to what extent is the principle of protection of children realized in the practice, by analyzing the practice ol court and competent bodies. The data collected by the investigation of such practice in SR Bosnia and Herzegovina confirm the general tendency in Yugoslavia to entrust children to mothers in the majority of cases. Mothers usually want that, but the author questions to what extent their wish can and may be the prevailing reason for such decisions. One of the causes of the decision making without the sufficient knowledge on parents, their qualities and conditions, is the unsufficient engagement of courts in the presentation of evidence. At the same time, the cooperation between courts and the guardianship bodies lags almost as a rule, particularly in the cases where an agreement exists between parties. Therefore, there ih a number of cases of children being entrusted to mothers even when they do not possess necessary conditions. The author pledges the more conscientious procedure and points out the indispensability of determining the all factors important for the establishment of the psychological condition of the both parents and their children, their features, tendencies, needs and everything else that should be taken into account for the decision making on the entrustment of children. For the same reasons, a same serious access to the work of the guardianship bodies is necessary. The aim of the cooperation between courts and the guardianship bodies cannot be achieved if the court uses only the already established method. The services of the respective experts, such as jisychologists, doctors, pedagogues and social workers are indispensable and the author pledges an entirely different structure of the guardianship bodies.

RÉSUMÉ La garde et l’entretien des enfants en tant que conséquence du divorce des parents Dans le travail, l’auteur examine la question de la garde, de l’entretien et de l'éducation des enfants confliés à l’un des parents, en cas de divorce, dans la législation yougoslave et dans la législation comparée. Toutes les législations, sans égard aux différences qui existent dans la réglementation juridique de cette question, tiennent compte des intérêts des enfants. Jusqu’à quel point ce principe, la protection des enfants mineurs, se réalise dans la pratique, l’auteur essaie de spécifier, en analysant la pra-