Assyrian texts : being extracts from the Annals of Shalmaneser II., Sennacherib, and Assur-bani-pal. : with philological notes : by E. A. Budge, page 9
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Tue want of a selection of Assyrian texts in the form of a Reading Book has been felt and often expressed by Students, the more so on account of many of the Assyrian books that have been published in England being out of print. This selection (which is based upon the proposals made by Mr. Boscawen to Messrs. Bagster) has been made to include specimens of the- best historical texts, and these have been annotated in a similar manner to the valuable pages in Prof. Sayce’s Assyrian Grammar. Each character has been carefully compared with the original texts preserved in the British Museum, and it is therefore hoped that they will be found free from error. My thanks are due to Mr. Pinches for his kindness in enabling me to consult the original texts. The method of transliteration used by Prof. Sayce in his Grammar is also followed in the Notes at the end of the texts. E. A. BUDGE.
May, 1880.