
aux avec, dans les yeux, cette lumière, ce quelque chose qui me pousse à créer avec eux. Pina Bausch conserve ses interprètes auprès d’elle des années durant. Pour moi, c’est impossible. Je n’ai même pas de répertoire à l’exception de mes solos. Dark, son nom l’indique assez, est d’un registre sombre: Je pressens que, dans quinze ou vingt ans, l’humanité vivra quelque chose de terrible. Dès le début de l’ouvrage, les corps jonchant l’herbe noire, cette musique assourdie qui engendre un climat d’anxiété, ces robes violines, pourpres ou liede-vin aus sombres reflets, ces hommes noirs et inquiétants, comme issus d’un mauvais songe, ces lueurs voilées qui obscurcissent plutôt qu’ elles n’èclairent un monumental lit à colonnes dorées, tout parle de terreur originelle. Dans cet univers d’ombres, les cheveux hérissés, son long corps vêtu de clair, Carolyn fait figure d’Erinye ou de Cassandre. C’est la lecture de l’Apocalypse qui m’a inspiré Dark. Quand je vois autour de moi ces individus qui se combattent aveuglément, quand je considère ce matérialisme rampant qui envahit loùt, il me vient une colère d’autant

plus forte que je sens là-dessous une terrible menace. Réclamé partout, à Helsinki, Lisabonne et Belgrade, à Amsterdam et ne Espagne, en France, Dark sera également filmé à Stockholm pour les télévisions suédoise, néerlandaise, allemande et anglaise. Et pour la Sept. Entretemps, Miss Carlson se sera échappée à l’Opéra de Hambourg. Avec Bob Wilson qui y monte le dernier opéra de Lieberman racontant l’histoire de Bettie Smith. Elle n’y dansera pas. Elle y sera comédienne. Dès le premier jour, j’avais réclamé à Bob de n’avoir aucun texte à dire. Le lendemain, ilpm’en imposait dix pages! □ Raphaël de Gubematis

Carolyn Carlson Born in Oakland, Ca. Studies dance with the San Francisco

Ballet and at the University of Utah, where she meets Alwin Nikolais. Three workshops and a B. F. A. later, she is taken on as a member of the Nikolais Dance Theatre, In 1968, the Company is invited to perform at the Festival International de la Danse de Paris, where Carolyn Carlson wins an award as best dancer. She has already composed twenty or so of her own pieces, performed in New-York and California, when promoted to the status of lead solist in 1971. For Carolyn, dancing and creating her own pieces are already part of the same process. She leaves the Nikolais Co. in 1971 to join the Compagnie Anne Déranger as choreographer and solo performer. In August, 1972, she presents Rituel pour un rêve mort in the Cour d’Honneur du Palais des Papes at the Avignon Festival. In February, 1973, she dances Klydex I (Nikolas Shoffer, Pierre Henry and Alwin Nikolais) in Hamburg. Invited as guest choreographer to the Paris Opera by Rolf Liebermarm as part of an Hommage to Varèse in

April, she creates Densité 21.5 Appears in Antoine Bourseiller’s Onirocri at the Avignon Festival in July of the same year. Presents Enivrez-vous, musique by Pierre Henry, at the Sigma de Bordeaux Festival in November. Invited as guest choreographer to the Piccola Scala in December, she creates and dances in a new piece, Verfangen. 1974 Rolf Liebermann names Carolyn Carlson star-choreographer at the Paris Opera. She presents two important new pieces, Sablier- Prison, music by John Surman, performed at 6:30 p. m,, and II y a juste un instant, with Larrio Ekson, music by Barre Phillips, lighting design by John Davis, presented later on in the same evening. In November, Mr Rolf Liebermann organizes an exceptional event at the Paris Opera: Rudolf Noureev and Carolyn Carlson dance together in Ballet Tristan, choreography by Glen Tetely, music by Hans Werner Hanze. 1975 The GRTOP (Groupe de Recher-

ches Théâtrales de l’Opéra de Paris) is created, giving Carolyn Carlson and her dancers the opportunity to work on a regular basis at the Paris Opera and devote themselves to developing new work. March: Premiere of L’or des fous et les fous d’or at the Théâtre de la Ville. May: performs at the Vienna Festival and the May Music Festival in Florence. July: gives improvisation performances and master classes at the Théâtre d’Orsay and presents L'or des fous et les fous d’or at the Paris Opera. On July 24th, at the Espace Cardin, Paolo Bortoluzzi dances in Spar, a solo created for him by Carolyn Carlson. At the Avignon Festival, the GRTOP presents three programs, the third of which includes a new piece, X Land, with music by Barre Phillips, John Surman and Dieter Feichtner. On tour in France and Italy from October to December. Invited on the Music on the Mediterranean cruise and to the Budapest Opera,

1976 The GRTOP presents Wind, water and sand at the Paris Opera on February 4th. On tour in France, Germany and Belgium, from March through May. GRTOP retrospective in June and July at the Paris Opera including added performances of Sablier-Prison and Ily a juste un instant, with Larrio Ekson; Paris premiere of the pas de deux Theta. Carolyn Carlson dances Untitled, a solo improvisation without music for the 30th Avignon Festival, as part of the familiar stars of Avignon series. In September, Carolyn Carlson is invited as guest choreographer by the Finnish National Opera for whom she creates two pieces. Cipher (solo) and Kaiku (for 7 dancers). 1977 April: premiere of the GRTOP ’s This and That, at the Théâtre de la Ville in February and The Other at the Paris Opera. June/July: performs at the Holland Festival, the Vienna Festival and the Arles Festival. Gives three weeks of classes and workshops at the Chartreuse de Villeneuve-les-Avignon.

August: performs at the Israel Festival and creates The End for the Chiraz-Persepolis Festival. Remounts the “Trilogy” This, That and the Others, at the Paris Opera in October, and presents The Beginning for the first time, in addition to The End. 1978 February/March: on tour throughout France, and in rehearsal for The Year of the Horse ; premiere on April 28th at the Paris Opera. On tour in the fall for two months in the Far East (Afghanistan, India, Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Corea, The Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong-Kong, Turkey). 1979 January: Carolyn Carlson dances alone in her new piece Writings in the wall scenic designer, lighting designer and film director: Petrika lonesco; music by John Surman. February/March: Remounts Year of the Horse at the Paris Opera.

May: the members of the GRTOP present their own works at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord in Paris. September: Writings in the wall presented at the Opéra Comique. October: the Teatro La Scala invites Carolyn Carlson, Larrio Ekson and Jorma Uotinen to danse Trio at the Teatro Nazionale in Milan; music by John Surman and Barre Phillips. On tour (with Trio ) for three monts in Italy and France, Performs solo piece Running on the sounds of a thousand stones, at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord; music by René Aubry. 1980 February: Trio performed at the Paris Opera; and premiere of Slow, heavy and blue, also at the Opera with the Paris Opera Ballet dancers. May: premiere of Les Architectes, Carolyn Carlson and the GRTOP ’s newest piece; music by J. S. Bach; sets and scenic design: Patrika lonesco. Autumn: Carolyn Carlson moves to Venise where she has been invited by