
pieničnl hleb, vino Iz obllžnjeg vlnograda. Sve to, all I nlita vlie od toga, Fernan Brodel: Mediteran, prevod Svetomlr Jakovljevlć, Centar za geopoetlku, Beograd 1995. JAGOŠ MARKOVIĆ Redltelj I pedagog, Jedan od najznada)nl]lh savremenlh Jugoslovensklh pozorlinlh umetnlka. Roden u Podgorlcl 1966. Diplomirao pozorlšnu režlju na Fakultetu dramsklh umetnostl u Beogradu 1987. u klasl Borjane Prodanovlć I Svetozara Rapajića. Najznačajnlje među trldesetak njegovlh dosadašnjlh režlja su: Čarobnjak iz Oza, Lukrecija iliti Ždero, Tartif, Učene žene, Čarapa od sto petlji, San letnje noći, Pepeljuga, Bogojavljenska noć, Romeo i Đulijeta, Adam i Eva, Hekuba, Elektra, Medved, Kate Kapuralica, Dekameron - dan ranije, Maratonci trče počasni krug, Naši sinovi, Tri musketara, Kokoška, Ćelava

JAGOŠ MARKOVIĆ Director and pedagogue r one of the most significant contemporary Yugoslav theater artists. Bom In Podgorica In 1966. Graduated theater directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade In 1987, In the class of Borjana Prodanovlc and Svetozar Rapajlc. The most notable of his thirty-odd directed works so far are; The Wizard of Oz, Lukretlo or Zdero, Tartuffe, Learned Women, The Sock of a Hundred Loops, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Cinderella, The Night of Epiphany, Romeo and Juliet, Adam and Eve, Hekuba, Eiectra, Bear, Kate Kapurallca, Decameron - Day Earlier, Marathon Runners Run an Honorary Lap, Our Sons, Three Musketeers, Chicken, Bold Singer, The Comedy of Confusion, Hasanaginlca... Awards; The Montenegro Ministry of Culture for contributions to culture (1993); "Bojan Stuplca” (1993); at the children's festival in Kotor tor best director (1994); Serbian Ministry of Culture for creator of the year (1995); “Curan" at the Jagodln Days of Comedy (1996); Budva City Theatre award for best dramatic accomplishment (1996); Sterla's award (1996); the award of the Thirteenth of July (1997); “Davldoff” for contemporary scenic expression (1999); Annual awards of the Yugoslav Dramatic Theatre, "Boiko Buha“ theater, Theatre T, and the National Theatre In Sombor. He Is a fully employed at the Department for Theatrical and Radio Directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts In Belgrade.