
ISLIKANO LICE Različite boje lica predstavijaju različite likove i karaktere. Žuta i bela boja predstavijaju lukavost, crvena označava uprightness i odanost, crna znači vrednost i mudrost, plava i zelena nagoveštavaju snažan i preduzimljiv karakter buntovnih heroja, dok zlatna i srebma predstavijaju mistične ili natprirodne modi. KINESKA PEKINŠKA OPERA Kineska pekinška opera je profesionalna glumačka grupa, čiji clanovi uglavnom dolaze iz kineskog Dramskog institute i drugih dramskih škola u Tianjinu, Liaoningu i Hebeiu, Vise od trideset izvođača i glumaca iz različitih dramskih škola trenutno su čianovi trupe, koja je poznata po svojoj organizaciji, snazi i vitalnosti koja ističe posebnu prirodu jedne državne organizacije. Trupa može da okupi najbolje kineske glumce za postavku veiikog broja različitih pekinških opera populamih kod kineske publike i u zemlji i u inostranstvu. Predstave pekinške opere koje su stalno na repertoaru zasnivaju se na klasičnim delima kineske literature San Guo Zhi (Romansa tri kraljevstva) i Sui Hu Zhuan (Otpadnici iz Marsha). Trupa je poznata po svojim naporima i doprinosu razvoju dramske umetnosti u Kini. Među najznačajnijim priznanjima i nagradama koje je trupa osvojila tokom godina jesu Mandarin Grand Prize, Cao Yu dramska nagrada i Plum Blossom nagrada. Trupa je dobijala i medunarodne nagrade. Kineska pekinška opera traga za sveukupnim savršenstvom u izvođenju Pekinške opere. posebno posvećujući pažnju pisanju scenarija, režijskoj tehnici, muzici i vokalnoj umetnosti. Hrabro je pokušavala da ostvari novi izgled ove prastare kineske izvođačke umetnosti. Osim svoje reputacije u Kini, trupa je postigla i medunarodnu slavu svojim gostovanjima u Japanu, Evropi, Tajvanu i zemljama Jugoistočne Azije.

no facial paintings. Hongsheng, another category of Sheng with face painted red, mainly play Guanyu (Chinese Ares) and Zhao Kuangyin (the founder of Song dynasty). Dan is the female role. Formerly, the term meant female impersonator. It is divided into many categories. Laodan are the old ladies while Caidan the female comedians. Wudan usually play military or non-military women capable of martial arts. The most important category, Qingyi usually play respectable and decent ladies in elegant costumes. Huadan represent lively and clever young girls, usually in short costumes. Jing, mostly male, are the face-painted roles who represent warriors, heroes, statesmen, adventurers and demons. Jing is generally categorized into Zhengjing, Fujing and Wujing. Chou refers to clowns who are characterized by a white patch on the nose. Usually white patches of different shape and size mean roles of different character. They are not definitely rascals, while most of the time they play roles of wit, alert and humour. It is them who keep the audience laughing and to improvise quips at the right moments to ease tension in some serious play. THE PAINTED FACE For the painted role, the different colours of the faces represent different characters and personality. Yellow and white represent cunning, red stands for uprightness and loyalty, black means valour and wisdom, blue and green indicate the vigorous and enterprising character of rebellious heroes and gold and silver represent mystic or super-natural power. THE BEIJING OPERA TROUPE OF CHINA The Beijing Opera Troupe of China is a professional performers group, whose members hail mainly from the Drama Institute of China and other drama schools in Tianjin, Liaoning and Hebei. More than 30 performers and actors of national standing representing different schools of the performing art are presently members of the troupe, which is noted for its set up, vigour and vitality that characterise the distinctive nature of a national