
PROGRAM Delovi iz šest kineskih klasičnih dela 1. Borba u zmajevoj palati iz Putovanja na zapad Majmunski kralj Wang Donghua • Majmunski kralj na silu ulazi u zmajevu palatu na Istočnom moru s namerom da pozajml oružje. On se bori protiv Generala Kornjače i Majora Raka, i pošto ih pobeduje odlazi sa Zlatnim štapom. 2. Reka Qiu Chen Miaochang Zhang Ping Start čamdžija Wu Jianping Bubnjar Wu Huandong

organisation. Flexible in management, the troupe is capable of organising the country's best actors for the staging of a wide variety of Beijing opera shows popular with the Chinese audience both at home and abroad. The Beijing opera shows being constantly staged by the troupe include the episodes based on the Chinese literature classic San Guo Zhi (Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Sui Hu Zhuan (Outlaws from the Marsh). The troupe has been recognised for its efforts and contributions towards the development of the performing art in China. Prizes and awards won by the troupe over the years include the “Mandarin Grand Prize", the Cao Yu Drama Prize, and the Plum Blossom Award and also overseas awards. The Beijing Opera Troupe of China emphasises on all round perfection of the performing art in Beijing opera with particular attention to script writing, directing technique, music and vocal art. It has made bold attempts to give a new look to this age-old Chinese performing art. Besides its reputation at home, the troupe has earned international fame for China through its performance in Japan, Europe, Taiwan and the Southeast Asian countries. 1. Fighting in the Dragon Palace from Journey to the West The Monkey King Wang Donghua General Tortoise Yang Qiang Major Shrimp Wang Wenjin Crab Zhao Min Toad Wang Yubo Water Monster Cui Yanlong, Zhou Shuozhu Drummer Liu Chang The Monkey King forced entry into the Dragon Palace in the East Sea with the intention of borrowing a weapon. He came up against General Tortoise and Major Shrimp, and after defeating them left with the Golden club, 2. Reka Qiu Chen Miaochang Zhang Ping Start čamdžija Wu Jianping Bubnjar Wu Huandong Chen Miaochang, mlada budistička kaluđerica, ne želi da se potčinjava budističkom etičkom kodeksu i zaljubljuje se u Pan Bizhenga, nećaka stare budističke kaluđerice. Kad sazna za to, stara kaluđerica odvodi svog nećaka iz manastira. Chen Miaochang juri na obaiu reke Qiu. Srećom, nailazi na starog dobrodušnog i duhovitog čamdžiju. On joj kaže da je Pan Bizheng već otišao u Linan čamcem. Uz njegovu pomoć Chen Miaochang ulazi na čamac i odlazi u slobodnu i srećnu budućnost. 3. Battle at Han Jin Kou from Romance of the Three Kingdoms Guan Yu Yuan Xiaohai Liu Bei Zhu Baoguang Ma Tong Zhou Shuozhu Zhang He Cui Yanlong Xu Huang Sun Ke Zhang Liao Wang Xile