Bitef, Jan 01, 2002, page 155
3rd BITEF POLYPHONY 2002 September 19th - 29th 2002. 11,00- 14.00 and 15.00 -18.00 MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD Towards a new drama and theatre in education Encounters, presentations, performances, workshops Center of Culture "Stari grad", Cultural Center REX, BITEF Theatre, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Baton Hala Theatre 3rd Bitef Polyphony deals with new tendencies in drama/theatre in various areas of pedagogy, social and artistic work. 36th Bitef motto - New World (Theatre) Order will be the opening topic for this year's Bitef Polyphony for "global issues’ which concern and influence everyone, with emphases on new theatric tendencies and innovative practices improving the position of theatre artists for “global expansion" in society and world. Bitef Polyphony is open to all individuals and organiyations nterested in diverse methods and strategies of trainintg in process drama and interactive theatre. Good practice, support and networking is in the focus. PROGRAM LONGLIFE LEARNING ON THE LONG RUN Drama Communication Club Stag Experiment, Belgrade Workshops of drama and theatre in education with a presentation of the project of professional upgrading and introducing drama/theatre in education system Project idea; Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić Associates - project coordinators: Ružica Rosandić, Svetlana Bezdanov, Slobodan Beštić, Sunčica Milosavljević Program: Art for Social Change - Play Against Violence PAV 111 Implementation: CEDEUM Center for Drama in Education and Arts, Belgrade Teachers Faculty Belgrade Center of Culture "Stari grad", Belgrade Support: Belgrade Secretariat of Culture Fund for an Open Society Yugoslavia ECF European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands Royal National Theatre London, Education Department Ministry of Education and Sports Serbia, Department for education development and international collaboration TOLLERANCE BUILDING ON THE BOARDER-LINE... Theatre groups and local NGOs - Sjenica, Prijepolje, Nova Varoš, Priboj, Tutin, Novi Pazar A performance developing into a workshop and presentation of the project "Theatre in Education as a Space Open for Understanding, Acceptance and Exchange’ Project coordinator: Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić Workshop leaders: Slobodan Bešlić, Stevan Bodroža, Boris Čaširan, Ivana Despotović, Danijela Gvozdenović and Sunčica Milosavljević Project is a part of the program: Tolerance Building for Youth in Sandzak Region, Serbia Program officer: Svetlana Kijevčanin Implementation, organization, support: CEDEUM Center for Drama in Education and Arts,
Belgrade CARE International Yugoslavia CIDA Canadian international Development Agency Guests: MIMAR MTM Mostar Youth Theatre, Mostar, BiH TIE performance and presentation of the work; ...building bridges over centuries and our own humanity, youth, need to live and build a beautiful, as much as possible our, world. Script and dramaturgy; Ljubica Ostojić (based on the text "Mirnar* by Refik Hamzic) Program coordinator and director: Sead Djulio Support: Center for Drama Education BiH, Mostar APPLE Drama studio TIRENA, Zagreb, Croatia Education theatre program - acceptance of different, breaking the prejudices Dramaturgy: Iva Grujić Program coordinator and director: ines Škufiić-Horvat Support: Croatian center for drama education, Zagreb EXCHANGE FOR CHANGE I AM NOT LIKE YOU Erg Status Dance Theatre. Belgrade Presentation of the work and dance theatre workshop Idea, choreography, costumes: Boris Čakširan Guests: EVEN THE CICADES ARE SILENT Acting School of dr INAT Theatre, Pula, Croatia Nonverbal theatre performance, presentation of work method and open workshop "Positioning of the Bowl” Director and workshop author: Branko Sušac FAMILY TALES. BELGRADE JCS Acting Club of Youth, City Theatre, Darmstadt, Germany Production of actors workshop After the performance possible immediate contact and exchange Text; Biljana Srbljanović Director: Hanno Hener Support: Goethe Institut - Inter Nationes Inge-Projekt, Darmstadt INTEGRATION, EMANCIPATION, SOLIDARITY DIFFERENCE AS AN ASPECT OF BEAUTY - A STEP FORWARD TOWARDS ARTS Project “For Seven Colors of the Rainbow" - Special Theatre Integration workshop-performance with the presentation of project of working with young people with special needs Presentation of the work and projects of the associations for people with special needs local and international Authors: Danijela Gvozdenović and Gordana Dedić Partner organizations: ARIEL Theatre. Tirgu Mures, Romania TSVETE Teatar, Sofija, Bulgaria Implementation: CEDEUM Center for Drama in Education and Arts, Belgrade Support: Fund for an Open Society Yugoslavia
Guests: SUNO E RROMENGO - ROMSKI SAN EMANCIPATION WITHOUT ASSIMILATION Roma Center “Suno e Rromengo" (Roma dream), Novi Karlovci Educative theatre workshop with presenatation Project idea; Zoran Jovanovid A FOREIGNER - EXPERIENCE OF DRAMATIZATION Istituto di istruzione superiors "G.Cardano", Milano, Italy Intercultural school theatre Project idea: Antonio Furlan Project coordination: Zorica Petrović ENCOUNTERS AND MEMORIES Project “Solidarity" - Theatre for the 3rd Age Interactive theatre with book presentation Project idea: Gianguido Palumbo "... It is clear to almost everyone that something has gone horribly wrong. Almost overnight, globalisation has become the most pressing issue of our time, something debated from boardrooms to op-ed pages and in schools all over the world. Why has globalisation - a force that has brought so much good - become so controvesial?" Joseph E. Stigiitz "... There are no magic answers, no miraculous methods to overcome the problerms we face, just the familiar ones: honest search for understanding, education, organization, action that raises the cost of stale violence for its perpetrators or that lays the bases for institutional change - and the kind of commitment that will persist despite the temptations of disillusionment, despite many failures and only limited successes, inspired by the hope of a brighter future." Noam Chomsky "... If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence." Bertrand Russel Implementation: CEDEUM team Ljubica Beljanski-Rislić, Slobodan Bestio, Boris Čakširan, Ivana Despotović, Danijela Gvozdenović and Sunčica Milosavljevio Organization and coordination: Ana Nestorović, Andjeiija Jočić, Danijela Todorovic, Jelena Pualić Mirros Agency Photos: Milena Maksimović and Bojana Andelković Mentor Vesna Pavlović Photo workshop Kaleidoskop Contact: CEDEUM Centar za kulturu Start grad Kapetan-Misina 6a 11000 Beograd Tel. +3Bl 11 634-652, 639-639 Fax. +3Bl 11 183-792 E-mail;