
Španija (Sevilja) 2002. Nemačka (Diseldorf, Vimar, Turingen) 2003. Nemačka (Hanover, Oldenburg, Drezden), Poljska (Lod), Svajcarska (Bern), Rusija (Moskva) 2004. Južna Afrika (Pretorija, Kejptaun), Hrvatska (Split, Sveti Vincent, Zagreb), Austrija (Line), Slovenija (Maribor) FORAMEN MAGNUM Foramen Magnum opens the window to surprises and fantasies from the life experience. Thought, voice and imagination each have their own power, but in Foramen'Magnum these are translated into practical activity and movement. This combined power creates a longing for other, distant havens. It follows the dreamy logic of an enigma, and has no answers. In the work Foramen Magnum, a number of visual events of surprising movements are created by free associations, metaphors of constant movement Each and every spectator has the key to the search for what is hidden and waiting to be discovered. THE COMPANY Over the past years, the Israeli Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company has been widely identified with the works of its Artistic Director - Rami Be'er. Be'er's creations have credited the company with international acclaim as it frequently performs in theaters around the world His work is known to arouse much interest and curiosity with audiences both in Israel and abroad, and as a result the company enjoys an ever increasing demand for its performances on stages worldwide. The Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company started as an extension of the Regional Western Galilee Dance Group by Yehudit Amon who founded and directed the company until 1996, Over the years, the KCDC developed into one of Israel's prominent dance companies and has gained international renown. The KCDC pioneered in introducing children to the magic world of modem dance with its special program for schools, presenting Be'er's highly popular children's works. At present' these works are widely performed by the KCDC-2, founded in 1994. In performing the original creations of Artistic Director Rami Be'er, the KCDC acquired its exclusive and unique character, which has become its trademark both in Israel and abroad. For this season, the company has been invited to numerous

festivals and events around the globe and will tour in the U.S.A., Canada, South America, Europe and the Far East. RAMIBE'ER The Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company's Artistic Director was bom to family of musicians in Kibbutz Ga'aton, Israel. At a very early age he began studying cello, and later undertook dance studies with Yehudit Amon. Be' er joined the company as a dancer and choreographer in 1980, and has credited both the company and himself with an impressive list of adult works, as well as some delightful and highly popular children's works. Some of his creations have become internationally acclaimed and Be'er has been awarded prizes both in Israel and abroad. He has been commissioned by various companies abroad and annually creates works for the Company. Apart from his choreographies, Be'er designs his own sets and lighting. In spite of the fact that some of his works clearly show his concern for social matters, Be'er has never stooped to "ideological" or propagandistic style. Be'er seeks to encourage the individual viewer to connect to his own inner world through the creation. Choreographies: Sonatina, 1983/ Peter and the Wolf, 1982/ Rocking Horse Michael, 1984/ Dances to Songs, 1985/ Los Atados, 1986/ Carnival of the Animals, 1986/ View, 1987 / Guide to the Orchestra, 1987/ Dance Concertantes, 1988/ A Sorcerer's Apprentice, 1989/ Reservist Diary, 1989/ Loops, 1990/ Card Game, 1990 / Real Time, 1991 / Angelos Negros, 1992/ Wing's Dream, 1992/ Minuit, 1992 /Naked City, 1993/ Beginning of Silence, 1994/ Aide Memoire, 1994/ Makomshehu, 1995/ When Most I Wink, 1996 / Masah Sod, 1997/ The Unanswered Question, 1998/ On the Edge, 1999/ Rate! Saka, 2000 / Kasoon, 2001/ Parparim (Butterflies), 2001/ Screensaver, 2002/ Clip-Trip, 2003/Q-fan, 2003/ Foramen Magnum, 2004/ Multifidus, 2004/ Action U, 2004/Upon Reaching The 5un,2005 Photos; Gadi Dagon