
22. i 23. Septembar 2007. SHOWCASE MI ILI NEKO DRUGI

Као i tokom prethodnih godina, svrha Showcase programa jeste da, osim pruzanja uvida u jedan segment srpskog pozorista, podstakne interesovanje za nase predstave medu nasim inostranim kolegama, gostima Bitefa. Nadamo se da ce odabrani deo produkcije zainteresovati nase kolege - svejedno da li се ona biti usmerena ka odredenoj predstavi kao celini ili, eventualno, prema njenim pojedinim delovima, preciznije - pojedinim umetnicima koji su deo njenog autorskog tima. Odabrali smo ostvarenja iz najnovije produkcije. Sva su, dakle, prvi put izvedena tokom prosle sezone, i to ona koja imaju odredenih dodirnih tacaka sa bitefovskim tendencijama, koja na razlidte nacine korenspondiraju sa vec uveliko ustaljenim pojmom bitefovskog. Те dve osobenosti su - uz, naravno, postignute odredene umetnicke rezultate - jedine srodnosti koje se medu odabranim se-gmentom produkcije mogu uvideti. To ce red da se pet predstava Showcasea medusobno razlikuju prema poetickim, zanrovskim i estetickim karakteristikama: savremena opera ('Tesla - totalna refieksija), predstava nastala na osnovu dramskog teksta (Ja ili neko drugi), moderni balet (La Capinera), one-man dance performance ( Moja privatna biopolitika ) i najzad, specifican istrazivacki postupak vodece srpske neinstitudonalne trupe { Frica o cajú). Posebno nam je drago sto vecina tih ostvarenja, pored osta log, putem svojih izvodackih tehnika ili prosedea, ukazuje i na odredene spedficnosti nase sredine. Kad to kazemo, ni najmanje ne misiimo na prilicno ucestalo dozivljavanje naseg regiona kroz stereotipne, a neretko i jednostrane poluegzoticne mitologeme; naprotiv, verujemo da se spedficnosti jedne sredine mogu prikazati na umetnicki relevantan, ozbiljan, a u pogledu scenskog izraza veoma savremen nacin. I da upravo takav pristup moze izazvati i interesovanje nasih kolega iz drugih sredina. Tim pre - da parafraziramo naslov jedne od odabranih predstava - naziv ovogodisnjeg Showcasea mogao bi biti Mi ili neko drugi...

Ksenija Radulovic

WE OR SOMEBODY ELSE Just like thè previous years, thè purpose of the Showcase, as a Special Programme of Bitef Festival, is to inspire interest in our performances among our international colleagues - guests of Bitef- and also to offer an insight into one segment of Serbian theatre, We hope that selected productions will inspire interest of our colleagues - regardless of whether that interest would be focused on one performance as a whole or, possibly, on certain Segments of thè performance, in other words: on individual artists that form a part of its artistic team. All ofthe performances premiered during the lastseason, and all ofthem have something In common with Bitef tendencies and correspond, in different ways, with the established concept of being in the spirit of Bitef .These two characteristics - besides, of course, the artistic quality - are the only similarities within the selected productions. It means thatfive performances ofthe Showcase are different in regards to their poetle and aesthetic characteristics and their genres: Contemporary opera ( Tesla - Total Reflection), dramatic performance [Me or Somebody Else), modern ballet (La Capinera), one-man dance performance (My Private Biopolltics) and finally, a specific research project by the leading Serbian non-institutional troupe (The Story of Tea). We are very pleased that most of these productions, among other things, with their performing techniques or framework, point to certain characteristics of our culture. By that we do not mean the frequently used image of our región reduced to stereotypes and often one-sided and almost exotic myths. On the contrary, we believe that the specificities of one culture can be shown in a way that is artistically relevant and serious, and in respect to the means of expression very Contemporary. We also believe that exactly this kind of approach can attract the interest of our colleagues from other cultures. That is why-to paraphrase the title of one ofthe selected performances - the title of this year's Showcase could be We or Somebody Else...

Ksenija Radulovic