
September 22nd and 23rd, 2007 SHOWCASE WE OR SOMEBODY ELSE

MISLJENJE NEKOG DRUGOG Bitef Showcase je jedan od posebnih programa Bitef Festivala, razraden u nameri da se, iz godine u godinu, prati stanje na domacoj pozorisnoj sceni i podstice obnova kroz odabir, suceljavanje i unapredivanje u okviru mreze medunarodne Perspektive. Stranimi gostima Bitef festivala (umetnicima, producentima, kriticarima, posetiocima) program nudi kratak uvid u srpski pozorisni pejzaz i podstice duh umetnicke i kulturne razmene. Showcase program se sastoji od pet predstava, izmedu pozorista, muzike i plesa.To su veoma razlicita dela po upotrebi pozorisnog jezika i drugacijim konceptima pozorista koje izrazavaju. Svesni da je nemoguce dati potpunu sliku srpske scene, pokusali smo da odaberemo predstave koje cine nove trendove u savremenom pozoristu. Dali smo prednost predstavama koje se ne zasnivaju samo na recima i koje kombinuju elemente pozorista, muzike, plesa i vizuelnog. Svaka izabrana predstava je na neki znacajan nacin vezana za nacionalnu kulturnu, drustvenu, pozorisnu tradiciju i potku iz kojih su nastale, ali svaka od njih istovremeno prikazuje pozorisnu formu i estetiku koje ih cine dostupnim medunarodnoj publici. Srbija ima veoma snaznu pozorisnu tradiciju, a prolazi i kroz neizbezan period tranzicije i preobrazaja, koja zadire u sve aspekte pozorisnog procesa, od umetnickih do organizacionih. Vecina pozorisnih predstava koje sam video zasniva se na tekstu, ali ima i zanimljivih umetnika koji u svom radu otvaraju perspektivu ka pristupu koji je vise interdisciplinaran. Predstave izabrane za Showcase su primeri te tenzije-intencije.

Andrea Paciotto

SOMEONE ELSE'S POINT OF VIEW The Bitef Showcase is one ofthe special programmes ofthe Bitef Festival, developed with thè intention of monitoring, year after year, thè state of the national theatre scene, stimulating a renewal through selection, confrontation and promotion, within a network of international perspective. For the foreign guests ofthe Bitef Festival (artists, producers, critics, visitors), thè program offers a glimpse into the Serbian theatre landscape, encouraging a spirit of artistic and cultural exchange. The Showcase program is composed of 5 performances, between theatre, music and dance. These are very diverse Works, in thè use ofthe theatrical language and in the different conception of theatre thatthey express. Aware ofthe impossibility of representing a compiete picture ofthe Serbian scene, we have attempted to select performances that represent new trends in the Contemporary theatre. We have favored performances that are not solely based on words and that combine elements of theatre, music, dance and visuals. Fach ofthe chosen performances relate in some significant way to the national cultural, social, theatrical tradition and background, from which they are born, but at the same time each presents a theatrical form and esthetic that makes it accessible to international audience. Serbia has a very strong theatre tradition, also undergoing a inevitable period of transition and transformation, investing all aspects ofthe theatre process,from artistic to organizational. Most ofthe theatre productions I haveseen are text based, butthere are also interesting artists that open the perspective oftheir worktowards a more interdisciplinary approach.The performances chosen for the Showcase are examples of this tension-intension.

Andrea Paciotto