
ASHEN ATALJANC } Rodena 1971. u Beogradu. Zavrsila srednju baletsku skolu "Lujo Davico". U sesnaestoj godini postala solista Narodnog pozorista u Beogradu. Na svetskom baletskom takmicenju parava u Osaki osvojila je prvu nagradu 1991. godine. Od 1992. godine je primabalerina Narodnog pozorista u Beogradu, gde je nastupala u naslovnim ulogama u baletima: Labudovo jezero, ¿¡zela, Don Kihot, Uspavana ¡epatica, Samson i Dalila, Dama sa kameUjama... Za Bitef 1992, posebno za nju, uraden je balet Isidora Dankan, u koreografiji Jelene Santic. 1) sezoni 1 992/93. nastupala je kao gostujuci igrac u Izraelskom baletu uTel Avivu, a godinu dana kasnije na Kubi. Godine 1997. postalaje solista Baleta Staatsopere u Berlinu, gde je nastupala u koreografijama Rudolfa Nurejeva, Patricea Barta, Petera Martinsa, Pierrea Lacottea i Fokina.Tokom leta 2000. godine pridruzila se kompaniji Aterballetto, gde radi sa koreografom Maurom Bigonzettijem. Sa Aterballettom je nastupala u Francuskoj, Nemackoj, Belgiji, Holandiji, Portugalu, Svedskoj, Srbiji, Svajcarskoj, Austriji, Litvaniji, Rusiji, Americi, Brazilu, Egiptu, Tunisu, Maroku, Maleziji, Indoneziji, Meksiku. .. Godine 2003. nastupala je na gala koncertima u Bodrumu i medunaradnom gala koncertu San zimske noci u Beogradu. Radila je i kao specijalni model renomiranih modnih kuca Max Mara i Marella. Baletskom predstavom La Capinera Ashen Ataljanc proslavlja dvadeset godina umetnickog rada. ASHEN ATALJANC Born onl 971 in Beigrade, Serbia. Graduated at Beigrade State Ballet School "Lujo Davico". At the age of 16 she performed solo parts in the repertoire of the Ballet of the National Theatre Beigrade. Upon graduating 1988 became the youngest soloist of the Ballet of the National Theatre Beigrade. In 1991 won the First prize in World Ballet Couples Competition in Osaka, Japan. Next year she was nominated principal dancer of thè company in Beigrade where she performed principal roles in the ballets; Swan Lake, Bayadere, Giselle, Don Quichotte, Sleeping Beauty, Resurrection, Samson and Dalila, Lady with Camellias, Images, Winter Dreams. For the International Theatre Festival in Beigrade - Bitef created full-length ballet exclusively for her: Isadora Dunkan in 1992. In 1992-1993 she is a guest artist in the Israeli Ballet, Tel Aviv. In 1994 she goes to Cuba, were she performs at the Festival Ballet of Alicia Alonso. Than in 1997 she becomes soloist in the Ballet of the Staatsoper in Berlin where she performed the choreographies of Rudolf Noureev, Patrice Bart, Peter Martins, Pierre Lacotte, and Fokin. In the year 2000 she enters in thè renowned company, Aterballetto, Italy, performing numerous choreographies of Mauro Bigonzetti. With Aterballetto she goes to numerous tours: France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Sweden, Serbia, Swìtzerland, Austria, Lithuania, Russia, USA, Brazil, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Malesya, Indonesia, Mexico... In the year 2003 Ashen performs at the Gala concerts in Bodrum, Turkey and international gala concert Winter Night Dream in Beigrade. With ballet performance La Capinera Ashen Ataljanc celebrates twenty years of artistic work.