
Sasa Asentid

MY PRIVATE BIOPOLITICS Author and performer: Sasa Asentic Assistant: Olivera Kovacevic-Crnjanski Theoretical support and dramaturgy: Ana Vujanovic Producer: Per. Art Photo by: Dragana B. Stevanovic

This worktries todeal with ¡ts own macro and micro conditions in which itappears... For the beginning, to make them visible because of specification of mechanisms and procedures of thè production of dance on domestic stage. Then, to intervene. However, this led to a series of questions which were left without uniform answers. Finally, these questions, in their complexity, became the main Intervention which this work is going to try to carry out. The questions spring from the problem of positioning within relations of global and local bio-powers and bio-poiitics of dance in Serbia today. How to locate "one's own (private and public) spedficum"? And what is to be done with it hearing in mind the tensions between local ideologies and global expectations (from these ideologies): evacuate it from the work in Order to achieve successful communication (or coquetting) with the global, that is western, trends, in which this spedficum is not included; or to base the work on it even at the cost of failure, i.e. exclusión from conceptual-programmatic map of the international stage? Furthermore, is the first strategy something that gives us "a right to discourse" or this is decided at a completely different place and by means of completely different procedures? Which "bodies" are imprinted in thè body that is dancing today on the domestic stage? For example, which bodies are projected, through expectations of a hypothetical "western programmator, and by this a spectator as well, almost as a genetically determined feature/difference from the other, who is coming from this specific context? Where the particularity of that context is, in its contemporariness, very gloomy - that context is not a part of the First World, it is not EU, it is still called the East (even though the West is not called "west" any more), it is post-socialistic in the capitalistic world, and it is terribly transitionai, without a single bit of "flexibility and nomadismi" which would make it exotic... Which are the bodies that hover dancing in thè air here, over an "indigo paper" (carbón сору), without being "grounded"in such a context, and which are moved by a wish tobe Contemporary, maybe even resistant, on the domestic stage? And then again, which are the other bodies that would carry the local specificity, for which, in fact, neither we ourselves want to know? Nevertheless, if we construct and show them, although we would rather not... which bio-politics are we executing? Isn't it not already a contribution to some other bio-power? Local? 0r...? Where, in this (inter)space are this work and thè politics of thè body that will perform it in a public space, which we share and in which we continue to live? Performance is part of INDIGO DANCE research-artistic dance project! Supported by: Performance is made in co-production with Centre national de la danse - Paris, research in residency (Theorem Dance residencies), and is prepared within a practical dramaturgy training of THe FaMa in Beigrade and Dubrovnik. Performance is supported by DanceWEß (with thè support of thè Cultural Programme 2000 of the European Union within thè frame of danceWEß Europe).