social and humanitarian work.The project was created while sesarching for thè possible answers connected with thè issue of collaboration between schools and theatres. It focuses on stimulating young people to accept differences among their peers, thè affirmation of tolerance, communication and other aspects of socialization necessary for a young person to find his or her place in thè community and learn how to function as a part of thè team. Theatre is thè catalyst, a space of creative communication. The project was created on thè initiative of Performing and Visual Arts Studio SIVU Iskorak, in association with Youth Counseling Centre of Belgrade Youth Center.
Video-presentation of international projects, NGO Justa rt
Authors; Olga Glisin and Ivan Pravdic, Justart, Serbia Video works and thè story from international projects;
COLINA - Collaboration in Arts, held in Portugal, Wales, Germany, Estonia... VIA PONTICA - International symposium of performing and plástic arts,
EOROL Festival, performance Osterburen - artists from nine countries on thè site specific performance in thè Netherlands,
ALICE IN WONDERBAND - The base for AWb is a family of musicians who lives and works in multimedia Motherland Studio located on thè slopes of Fruska Gora since thè fall of 1998, Lead by thè spiritual tradition of thè so called progressive music from thè 1960's and 1970'5, they play spontaneous music and form a kind of an assembly center for artists of different expedentes and styles, but with thè same goal of working in art as it is.They search for individuai expression by using instruments from different traditions - classical Western acoustic, electrical and electronic instruments, but also instruments that beiong to various ethno traditions, such as tabla, tarabuka, various ilutes, etc. So far, thè multimedia live performances featured interaction between spontaneous music, butho dance, video art and live painting.
Second Program Block
Some other worlds and planets
Performances inspired by famous and fasdnating books that deal with universal themes and valúes, through heroes who encounter one another in some other worlds or on other planets, reveaiing thè full complexity of thè acceptance or non-acceptance of differences, exclusivity, or adjusting thè opposites with cruel games of confirming thè power and eternai struggle of good and evil.The performances are thè starting point for interaction with young audience in thè form of discussions and workshops, after thè performances are finished. Special discussions with theatre artists and other experts about thè new repertoire orientation of institutionai theatres, with performances opening for dialogues, and reviving thè idea of "family theatre" or"theatre with teacher's packages"through various projects of Interactive theatre and other actions of opening up thè theatre for thè marginalized groups, children and young people with special needs, intercultural collaboration and international partner projects.
Friday, September 21 12:00
LittleTheatre„Dusko Radovic"
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Little Theatre „Dusko Radovic", Belgrade, Serbia
Directed by: Anja Susa
Dramatisation: Marija Karaklajic Costume designer: Maja Mirkovic Set designer: Zorana Petrov Composer: Vladimir Pejkovic Video art design: Obrad Kokotovic
Translation into Serbian: Mirjana Vukmirovic Cast:
Pilot; IvanTomic; Little Prince: Jelena llic; Rose: Dusica Sinobad; King/Businessman: Nenad Radovic;The Vain МапЯЬе Lamplighter: Milos Samoiov The DrunkardVThe Geographer: Predrag Todorovic; Snake: Marijana Vicentijevic Badovinac; Fox: Jelica Vucinic; Puppet animation: Tatjana Stankovic, Jovana Cvetkovic