For thè upcoming theatre season, thè repertoire of Little Theatre „Dusko Radovic" has a slogan „Family Theatre", hoping to revive thè idea about parents and children coming to theatre together and discussing the performances they have just watched. One of the most important projects of this repertory Orientation is„The Little Prince", inspired by the famous, fasdnating novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which celebrates the 60th anniversary of its first published edition this year.The contribution to this jubilee is the Staging ofthe dramatization of"The Little Prince", and organizing special workshops for children that will be inspired by thè book and thè production. Our main intention is to remind the parents how nice it is to go to the theatre with their children, and in doing that to stimulate their communication.The Little Theatre believes that children should constantly be reminded of universal themes embedded in this wonderful book. In today's worid, it is of utmost importance to discuss with your children the real valúes such as iove, responsibility, friendship, Imagination - basically everything that "The Little Prince" is talking about.
Little Theatre „Dusko Radovic" is one ofthe most famous children's theatres in Serbia, On its repertoire there are performances both for children and young people in general. This theatre's basic program concepì ineludes projects focusing on the subjeets of educational, social and, before all, urban character. By introducing concepts of children's rights, tolerance (ethnic, religious, cultural), right for being different, accepting and respecting the differences, into the vocabulary of young citizens of Belgrade, who make its audience, this theatre tries to contribute to the cultural linking of children of different ethnic backgrounds who live in Serbia, and focus them in thè direction of developing diversity and tolerance.
"The Little Prince, one ofthe pearls of worid literature, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry dedicated to his friend Leon Vert“when he was a little boy". Many dassify it (justly) as a modern fairytale for children, but because ofthe extraordinary philosophical and poetic valúes that transcend thè scope of a fairytale, it could be classified as a wisdom book for adults.
Although written during the Second World War, the time of greatest destruction and suffering in human history, this book celebrates the existence ofthe worid and life in it.The elegiac story about love ofthe Little Prince for his little Planet В 612 and a single rose on it, completely unique for him, is a serious warning to the whoie worid. While living in thè desert, thè Little Prince has learned from the fox the greatest wisdom that love, klndness, friendship, peace and tolerance are the most valuadle things in life. That is the same wisdom preached by our Oíd and New Scripture prophets. If we want to live a life illuminated by the sun, as the oíd fox would say, we should, once and for all, remember her secret that is very simple: a man can see weil only with his heart - the essence cannot be seen with the eyes..." (Milica Novkovic)
Saturday, September 22
Theatre "Bosko Buha"
Inspired by thè Louis Carroll's novel
Theatre "Bosko Buha", Belgrade, Serbia
Director: Marija Milenkovic Dramaturge: Ivana Dimic
Costume designen Jelena Stokuca Set designen Marija Kalabic Composer: Bozidar Obradinovic Light designer: Vojkan Gostiljac Production assistant: Jasmina Urosevic Stage managen Ana Bata
Cast: Alice: Milena Nikolic; Cat, Queen, Caterpillar, Card: Marija Milenkovic ; Caterpillar, Mad Matter, Card, Cook, Sea: Ivan Jevtovic ; Rabbit, Caterpillar, Card, More, Cook: Radovan Vujovic; Rat, Caterpillar, Card, More: Nemanja Oliveric; Duchess, Caterpillar, Butterfly, Card, Sea: Ana Dragicevic
The performance was created as an atterri pt to make a kind of a surreal children's carousel, in which verbal wordplay, such as thè complex mathematica! formulae of Louis Carroll, is expressed through movements and body language. In thè nightmare of a mischievous girl, with each new circle and each new equation come first and new life experiences, and regardless of how dangerous and frightening they may seem, they are real. Maybe this play will be one ofthe waysto contribute tothe understanding ofthe worid seen through thè eyes of a child, by means of music, movement and dance and a whoie new approach to children's games.
Thirty seven years ago,Theatre"Bosko Buha”became the first professional theatre for children that managed to ensure thè professional ensemble, the most popular theatre artists and an attractive repertoire under thè slogan "artists for children", and with the principie to"teach and ennoble through invoked impressions".Today, after its two hundred and fifth premiere, with two hundred performances a year and about one hundred thousand visitors,