ln the 21 st Century artists are expected to possess theoretical and practical knowledge which they will constantly hone and broaden keeping pace with the evolution of Contemporary arts and technologies.Technically speaking, ourtheatres are ever better equipped in line with European, or rather world, Standards.The importance of these Standards notwithstanding theatres and educational instltutions in Serbia do not keep up with new trends. 1t is imperative to develop educational programmes through which both thè artistic and technical staff in our theatres would learn how to use the available technical support in Order to create modern, original and authentic Works, but it is a very siow process.
BitefTheatre proposed and initiated Seminars "New Technologies in Theatre"so that the artistic and technical staff could learn to use more creatively the aiready existing technology in Serbia's theatres. The seminar covers four separate subjects devoted to thè innovative application of sound, light and video in thè theatre, and thè production of multimedia spectacles.
The principal goal of the seminar is to bring together domestic and foreign lecturers and representatives of Beigrade and Serbian theatres and artists (directors, set designers) with a bend for these media and - through workshops, public debates and presentations - to provide conditions for the exchange of new experiences thus contributing to the successful individual or team work of Professionals whose knowledge and talent will be enriched by theirfamiliarisation with newtechnologies.
We believe that this kind of professional education is a prerequisite for the improvement of our theatre as a whoie because it contributes to the better and fuiler Cooperation between the technical and artistic Segments of thè team creating a theatrical production or some other event, more competent Cooperation with foreign artists and Companies and, last but not least, the evolution of a more diversified creative scene in terms of performances, happenings and other Contemporary projects such as festivals, concerts and other public events.
The first segment of thè seminar will take place within the framework of the 41 st Bitef and will address thè multimedia approach to the modern theatre. The lecturers will be prominent European artists, guests and participants in thè festival: Heiner Goebbels, composer and director from Germany, SuzanneVinnaker, dramaturgist from Germany; Wile Vallo, theatre artistfrom Finland, who will particípate in the main Programme ofthisyear's festival and who has developed a specific approach to thè use of objects and technical devices with a new meaning and function; and Boris Miljkovic, director, creative director and writerfrom Serbia.
The seminar is a part of a joint project of Bitef and YUSTAT, centre for Stage Art and Technology/OISTAT Centre in Serbia which aiready has a tradition of organising open lectures and discussions about stage design with artists partidpating in Bitef.
"NewTechnologies in theTheatre"will cultívate slightly more rigid seminar profile, with lectures aimed at young directors, set designers, technical staff and other individuáis wishing to learn more about modern applications of multimedia in the theatre. The participants will be chosen on thè basis of a competition announced on Bitef website.
Training programmes concerning thè design of sound, light and video will follow nextyear enabling domestic artistic and technical staff to acquire new knowledge about thè use of new media in the modern European and world theatre,
The authors of the Programme are Vesna Bogunovic and Jelena Stojanovic.
The seminar"NewTechnologies in Theatre; Multimedia" will be held in District Art Gallery in Beigrade.