Seminar o upotrebi multimedijalnih sredstava u pozoristu
Predavaci: Heiner Goebbels, Ville Walo, Susanne Wlnnacker, Boris Miljkovic
Kompozitor i reditelj, autor mnogih muzickih i pozorisnih komada, ali i tzv muzicko pozorisnih komada kao sto je Eraritjaritjaka - muzej fraza (39. Bitef 2005). Dobitnik je mnogih nagrada i ucesnik velikog broja festivala kako u domenu muzicke tako i pozorisne umetnosti. Profesor je na Institutu za primenjene pozorisne studije Univerziteta Justus Liebig u Gisenu, Nemacka. Od 2006. je predsednik Pozorisne akademije Hesen. Njegova predavanja ce biti natemu muzicko-pozorisnih komada kao multimedijalnih performansa.
Umetnik-zongler, organizator Festivala novog zongliranja. U svojim performansima koristi kako klasicne zonglerske rekvizite, tako i potpuno neuobicajene Objekte za tu svrhu. U njegovim izvodenjima koriste se i marionete i madionarski trikovi. Video materijal je cesto prisutan. Koreografijesu mu inspirisane stepom i kiasicnim mjuziklima, ali i eksperimentalnim umetnickim pravcima sa pocetka 20. veka. Govorice о vaznosti multimedijalnog pristupa za njegov licni izraz i tehniku.
Asistent na Odseku za studije pozorista, filma i medija (the Department ofTheatre, Film, and Media Studies) na Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankurt na Majni. Radi i kao dramaturg, kurator, pisac. Njene publikacije se fokusiraju na savremeni evropski teatar. Govorice о multimediji iz ugla dramaturga.
Autor je niza televizijskih emisija i filmova kao i velikog broja televizijskih reklama i muzickih spotova. Predaje na Univerzitetu umetnosti u Beogradu. Reditelj je pozorisne predstave Nevjesta od vjetra Slobodana Snajdera u Narodnom pozoristu i scensko-muzickog déla Prica о vojniku, Igora Stravinskog u Ateljeu 212. Autor je videoradova za pozorisne predstave koje je rezirao Dejan Mijac: Pseci valcer, Skakavd, Trg heroja i Banat. Govorice o ulozi i upotrebi video materijala u pozorisnoj predstavi kao jednog od multimedijalnih sredstava.
Bitef Theatre and YUSTAT Seminar
Use of Multimedia in Theatre
Lecturers: Heiner Goebbels, Ville Walo, Susanne Winnaker, Boris Miljkovic
Composer and director, author of numerous music and theatre productions, as well as so called musical-theatre works such as Eraritjaritjaka - the Museum ofPhrases (39th Bitef 2005). He is a laureate of many awards and participant in many festivals in music as well as theatre; Professor in the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany; Since 2006 he is a Chairman of the theatre Academy Hessen. His lectures will focus on musical-theatre works as multimedia performances.
Artist-juggler, organizer of the New Juggling Festival. In his performances he uses classica! juggling requisites as well as entirely unusual objects. He also utilizes marionettes and magicians tricks in his shows. Video is often present. Choreographies are inspired by step-dance and classical musicals, as well as experimental artistic tendencies from the early XX Century. Ville Walo will speak about thè importance of thè multimedia approach for his personal expression and technique.
Assistant at the Department ofTheatre, Film and Media Studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt on Main. Works also as a dramaturge, curator and writer of publications focusing on Contemporary European theatre. She will speak about thè multimedia from thè angie of a dramaturge.
Author of numerousTV shows, films, TV advertisements and music clips; Teacher at thè University of Arts in Beigrade; Director of the theatre production The Bride ofthe Wind by Slobodan Snajder, production of the National Theatre Beigrade, and a stage-musical Story of a Saldier based on thè music of Igor Stravinsky in Atelier 212 in Beigrade. Author of video works for theatre productions directed by Dejan Mijac: Dog Waltz, Locusts, Heroes'Square and Banat. He will focus on a role and how to use video in a theatre performance as one ofthe multimedia devices.