
Pijana noć 1918.


Zasto sam se vratio Krlezi Na vecinu pismenih i usmenih upita ovih dana, a upucenih mi u povodu priprema brijunske premijere drame Pijana noe 1918., kako i zasto sam se odlucio ponovno vratiti Krlezi, njegovom novelistickom zapisu Pijana noe 14. novembre 1918., obieno odgovaram citatom iz spomenutog teksta, a koji glasi: „Poslije deset milijuna mrtvaca ustao je jedne pijane novembarske noci netko i htio, da u nizu pijanih zdravica odrzi jednu pokòjnicima povjesanim smrznutim prikazama u blatu i u jamama..." Bio je to Krieza, a poslije „zdravice" koju je odrzao politicka bagra ispljuvala ga je, izvrijedala, izgazila, izbacila s banketa na ulicu. Takose na ulici„pred hrvatskom kremom pred kojomjos uvijek raspeti Kristus visi"nasao pisac koji jeoficijelnoj politickoj javnosti pokusao reci istinu. A koja jeto istina, i kako ju je izrekao pisac, pogledajte u predstavi Pijana noe 1918.

Ivo Stivicic

Why did I return to Krieza? Most of thè questions, written or spoken, that I am being asked these days concerning thè preparation of Brioni premiere of thè performance Drunken Night in 1918 - how and why I decided to return to Krieza and to his literary record Drunken NightofNovember 14th, 7978-1 usuallyanswerwiththefollowing quote from that same text: "After the death of ten million people, one drunken November night someone got up and wanted, in a series of drunken toasts, to make one toast to thè dead, frozen hanged creatures in the mud and in the pits..." That was Krieza. And after thè "toast" he had given, thè politicai mob attacked him, humiliated him, stepped all over him and threw him out from the banquet into the Street. And so, in that same Street, "in front of a Croatian tavern, with a crucifixión of Christ still hanging above the entrance", happened tobe a writer who tried to teil thè truth to thè officiai politicai public. And that truth, and the way in which the writer recorded it, you shall see in thè performance Drunken Night in 1918.

Ivo Stivicic