
JANEZ JANŠA je studirao sociologiju i pozorišnu režiju na Ljubljanskom univerzitetu i teoriju performansa na Antverpenskom univerzitetu u Belgiji. Autor je i reditelj interdisciplinarnih predstava. Svoj komad Camillo- memo 1.0: The Construction of theatre režirao je u Piccolo Teatro u Milanu (1998). DriveinCamillojeotvoho Manifesta 3,evropskibijenalesavremeneumetnosti (2000).Njegovanajnovija ostvarenja su We are all Marlene Dietrich for - predstava za vojnike u mirovnim misijama (sa Ernom Omarsdottir) i rekonstrukcija komada iz 1969, Pupilija,papapupilopa pupilčki. Nedavno je učestvovao u improvizacijskom projektu At the Table pod rukovodstvom Meg Stjuart. Janšin rad obuhvata i vizuelna i multimedijalna delà i umetničke performanse. Pored ostalih,tu su The Cabinet of Memories, sesija davalaca suza i interdisciplinarni umetnički i istraživački projekt The First World Camp (sa Petrom Šenkom). Svoj interaktivni performans Miss Mobile izvodi lično. Janša redovno vodi interdisciplinarne radionice širom Evrope i u SAD i, sa Marom Bu le, inicijator je organizaeije PEACE. - Peacekeepers' Entertainment, Art and Cultural Exchange. Objavio je mnogobrojne eseje о savremenom pozorištu i umetnosti, uključujući knjigu о flamanskom umetniku i pozorišnom delatniku Janu Fabreu (Jan Fahre - La Discipline du chaos, le chaos de la discipline, Armand Colin, Pariz 1994, objavljenu i na holandskom, italijanskom i slovenačkom). Bio je glavni urednik časopisa za izvođačke umetnosti „Maska" (19992006). Priredio je hrestomatiju savremenih pozorišnih teorija ( Presence , representation, theatricality, Maska, Ljubljana 1996), hrestomatiju savremenih teorija plesa ( Theories of contemporary dance, Maska, Ljubljana, 2001) i još nekoliko naslova. Od 1999. direkter je Maske, neprofitne organizaeije za objavljivanje, produkeiju i obrazovanje, sa sedištem u Ljubljani, Slovenija. JANEZ JANŠA has studied sociology and theatre directing at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and performance theory at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is author and director of interdisciplinary performances. His piece Camillo- memo 1.0: The Construction of theatre has been directed by himself at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan, Italy (May 1998). Drive in Camillo has openned Manifesta 3, European biennale of contemporary arts (2000), His latest pieces are We are all Marlene Dietrich for - performance for soldiers in peace-keeping missions (together with Erna Omarsdottir) and reconstruction of the piece from 1969 - Pupilija, papa pupilo pa pupilceks. Recently, he performed in the improvisation project At the Table curated by Meg Stuart Janša's work includes also visual, multimedia and performance art works. Among others are The Cabinet of Memories, a tear donner session and interdisciplinary artistic and research project The First World Camp (with Peter Senk). His interactive performance Miss Mobile, has been performed by himself. He regularly curates interdisciplinary workshops around Europe and USA and he is the initiator of the organization P.E.A.C.E.- Peacekeepers'entertain ment, art and cultural exchange (with Mare Bulc). He has published numerous essays on contemporary theatre and art including the book on Flemish artist and theatre maker Jan Fabre ( Jan Fahre- La Discipline du chaos, le chaos de la discipline, Armand Colin, Paris 1994; published in Dutch, Italian and Slovene as well). He has been editor in chief of the performing arts journal „Maska" (1999-2006). He has edited a reader of contemporary theatre theories ( Presence , representation, theatricality, Maska, Ljubljana 1996), a reader of contemporary dance theories (Theories of contemporary dance, Maska, Ljubljana, 2001) and several other titles. Since 1999 he is the director of Maska, non-profit organization in publishing, production and education, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia.