
DALIJA AĆIN je rođena 1974. godine. Diplomirala je u Baletskoj školi „Lujo Davičo" i putem mnogobrojnih radionica i rezidensa u Evropi, sticala znanje i praksu iz oblasti savremenog plesa. Svoje koreografske radove predstavila je na brojnim prestižnim festivalima u zemlji i inostranstvu (Impulstanz, URB Festival, Les Particules, Tanz im August, Tazntendezen, Mladi levi, Tjedan suvremenog plesa, Oppla, Performa, Bitef, Belef, Infant...) i sarađivala sa internacionalnim koreografima (Izabel Šad, Tonnas Lernen...) Dobitnica je prestižne nagrade Impulstanzfestivala -"Prix Jardin d'Europe"za predstavu Handle with great care. Ko-osnivačica je i koordinatorka Stanice Servisa za savremeni ples, suosnivačica i članica umetničkog borda Nomad Dance Academy, programa Balkanske plesne mreže. DALIJA AĆIN, born in 1974, graduated from ballet school "Lujo Davičo" and acquired knowledge and practice in contemporary dance through many workshops and residencies in Europe. She presented her works at the most important Serbian festivals such as Bitef, Belef, Infant... as well as at prestigeus international festivals - Impulstanz [Bensions],Tanz im August, Tazntendezen, Mladi levi. Week of contemporary dance, Festival Particules, Oppla... She collaborated with international artists - Isabelle Schad, Thomas Lehmen among others. She received the Prix Jardin d'Europe at Impulstanz Festival 2008 in Vienna. She is co-founder and coordinator of Station Service for Contemporary Dance Belgrade, member of Artistic Board of Nomad Dance Academy. She is freelance artist, lives and works in Belgrade.