
PROMOCIJA KNJIGA PRIVLAČNA FATALNOST: SUBJEKT I TRAGEDIJA - Krištof Jacek Kozak i BEKET urednik: Predrag Todorović 15. septembar, 12:00 Knjižara Glasnik (Kneza Miloša 16)

BOOKS PROMOTION ATTRACTIVE FATALITY: SUBJECT AND TRAGEDY - Krzysztof Jacek Kozak and BECKETT editor: Predrag Todorović ►► September 15 m , 12:00 Glasnik Bookstore (16 Kneza Miloša Street)

Za dve nove, naučne knjige u izdanju Službenog glasnika, zajedničko je to što teme nalaze и samoj srži pozorišta - u tragediji kao osnovnom teatarskom žanru. Autor Krištof Jacek Kozak, u svojoj studiji, bavi se elementima tragičkog u savremenoj književnosti, a Predrag Radovančević priredio je zbirku eseja о Semjuelu Beketu, piscu za kog se smatra kako je u XX veku najznačajnije uticao na redefinisanje žanra tragedije. Na promodji govore: Kristof Jacek Kozak, Predrag Todorović, Gojko Tešić i Jovan Ćirilov


What links the two new specialist books published by Službeni glasnik, is the fact that their topics are found in the very essence of theatre, i.e. in tragedy, as the basic theatre genre. Kristof Jacek Kozak, the author of one of the two, explores the elements of tragic in contemporary literature, while the other one, Predrag Radovančević, has prepared a selection of essays on Samuel Beckett, the author who is though to have made the strongest influence on the redefinition of the genre of tragedy in the XX century The visitors will be addressed by: Krzysztof Jacek Kozak, Predrag Todorovič, Gojko Tešić and Jovan Girilov