Bitef, Jan 01, 2015, page 25
Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel Murmel ...
DITER ROT je 1974. u vlastitom izdanju objavio knjigu Murmel, mali oktavo-tom od 178 strana na pak-papiru. To je dramski komad, kaže. Onda je mora biti negde početkom 1980-ih Herbert Frič naleteo na džepno izdanje i odmah se oduševio. U jednoj od retkih prilika kada se prijavio za ulogu u nekom nemačkom pozorištu (mora da je bio Štutgart), Frič je Rotov Murmel pročitao na audiciji i istog časa dobio posao. Kasnije - mora da je to još uvek bilo u prošlom veku - Frič je obećao Rotu da će nekom prilikom postaviti komad na scenu. Obećanje je konačno ispunio 2012. Rot je već neko vreme bio mrtav - mora biti četrnaest godina. „Treba mi 11 glumaca”, kaže Frič. Zato što je 11. kaže, lud broj. Nedodirljiv je i ne može se pojmiti ni izbrojati uz pomoć deset prstiju. Sam Frič je dvanaesti glumac... a onda se, uz mumlanje, pridružuju trinaesti i četrnaesti. HERRBERT FRIČ je roden 1951. u Augsburgu, glumu je učio u Otto Falckenbergovoj školi za izvođačke umetnosti u Minhenu, a zatim je radio u raznim pozorištima u Nemačkoj i inostranstvu. Od ranih 1990-ih do 2007. bio je deo ekipe glumaca oko Franka Kastorfa i redovno se pojavljivao na pozornici Volksbühne Berlin. Od 2000. radi na serijalu, jednom intermedijalnom umetničkom projektu zvanom hamlet X. L) projektu se kombinuje i razvija niz različitih formi umetničkog izraza i medijskih formata. Kao filmski i pozorišni reditelj, glumac, autor, izvođač, fotograf i iiustrator, Herbert Frič preuzima veliki broj uloga u tekućoj produkciji hamleta X. Posle Volksbühne radio je kao reditelj u važnim nemačkim pozorištima kao što su Neues Theater Halle, Theater Oberhausen, Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, Schauspiel Leipzig, Volksbühne Berlin, Bremer Theater, Thalia Theater Hamburg, Schauspiel Cologne, Residenztheater Minhen i u švajcarskoj Opernhaus u Cirihu. Njegova
- DIETER ROTH in 1974 self-publishes the book Murmel, a small brown-paper octavo volume comprising 178 pages. It is a stage play, he says. Then, it must have been around the early 1980 s - Herbert Fritsch comes across the paperback and is immediately enthusiastic about it. On one of the few occasions of casting for a theatre role at a German theatre (it must have been in Stuttgart), Fritsch reads Roth’s Murmel for the audition and promptly gets the job. Later on - it must have been still in the past century - Fritsch promises Roth to stage the play some day. In 2012 he finally can fulfil the promise he made. Roth had been dead for quite some time - it had to be be 14 years by now. “I need to have 11 actors”, says Herbert Fritsch. Because 11, he says, is a crazy number. It is intangible and cannot be grasped, nor counted on ten fingers. Fritsch himself is going to be the twelfth actor... and then a thirteenth and fourteenth join in, mumbling. HERBERT FRITSCH was born on 1951 in Augsburg, trained as an actor at the Otto Falckenberg School of the Performing Arts in Munich and then worked at various theatres in Germany and abroad. From the beginning of the nineties until 2007, he was a part of the team of actors around Frank Castorf and regularly appeared on the stage of Volksbühne Berlin. Since 2000 he has been working on the serial, intermedia art project hamlet_X. This project combines and unfolds in many different forms of artistic expression and media formats. Whether as film and theatre director, actor, author, performer, photographer and illustrator - Herbert Fritsch takes on a large number of roles in the ongoing production of hamlet_X. After leaving Volksbühne, he has worked as a director at major German theatres such as the Neues Theater Halle, Theater Oberhausen, Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, Schauspiel Leipzig, Volksbühne Berlin, Bremer Theater, Thalia Theater Hamburg, Schaus-