
predstava Ohne Titel Nr. 1// Eine Oper von Herbert Fritsch imala je premijeru januara 2014. Predstavu su sa oduševljenjem prihvatili i štampa i gledaoci, pa je Frič 2014. pozvan na Berliner Teatretreffen. Sa svojim najnovijim delom der die mann - dadaističkom „igrom reči" austrijskog pisca Konrada Bajera, reditelj i scenograf Herbert Frič je 2015. ponudio još jedno uspešno veče u Volksbühne. „Naglasak Fričove rediteljske poetike u potpunosti je na formi. Predstava s publikom komunicira samo na planu zabave, energetske razmene, raznih umetničkih asocijacija i najopštijeg emocionalnog tona (od cirkuskog humora do filozofske sete), dok izostaje sve ono što bismo mogli da podvedemo pod 'sadržaj’: nema price, dramske reprezentacije psihološke grade, slojevitih i uverljivih ljudskih osećanja, društvene ili političke kritike... Odavno se u svetskom pozorištu nije video ovakav trijumf arabeske, apstrakcije, forme.” Ivan Medenica, Teatron

piel Cologne, Residenztheater Munich, and in Switzerland’s Opernhaus Zurich. His production Ohne Titel Nr. 1// Eine Oper von Herbert Fritsch had its premiere in January 2014. The staging has been enthusiastically received by both the press and the public alike and was invited to the Berliner Theatertreffen 2014. With his latest work der die mann - a dadaistic “wordplay” by the Austrian writer Konrad Bayer, the director and stage designer Herbert Fritsch presented 2015 the next successful evening in the Volksbühne. "In his poetics as a director. Fritsch focuses on the form. The communication the performance establishes with the audience is on the level of entertainment only; exchange of energies, various artistic associations and most general emotional tone (spanning from zany humor to philosophical melancholy), but never on the level of anything that could be labeled as "content”: it lacks story, dramatic representation of psychological structure, complex and convincing human feelings, social or political critique... It has been long since world theater has shown such triumph of arabesque, abstraction, form.” Ivan Medenica, Teatron