
21. SEPTEMBAR, 21:00


Krenite, drame moje, ka usamljenima i ka nezadovoljnima. Podite do živčano prenapetih i do onih koji robuju navikama robova i gospodara. Prenesite im moj prezir prema ugnjetadma. (dite poput velikog talasa studene vode, Nosite moj prezir prema ugnjetadma. Govorite protiv svesnog ugnjetavanja. Govorite protiv nesvesnog ugnjetavanja. Govorite protiv nasilja nemaštovitosti. Govorite protiv okova. Pođite ka ljudima s periferije društva. Pođite ka gnusno izrabljivanima. Pođite ka onima koji kriju svoj poraz. Pođite ka onima koji kriju svoju mod Ka onima koji kriju svoj bid Onima koji kriju svoj sram. I onima koji kriju svoju gnusobu. Šibajte po otupelosti uglednog sveta. Jačajte tanušne veze ojađenih. Ulijte poverenje u alge i pipke duše. Slobodna varijacija na pesmu Dodatna uputstva Ezre Paunda ZLATKO PAKOVIĆ roden je 1968. godine. Diplomirao je pozorišnu i radio-režiju na FDU u Beogradu. Režirao je u pozorištima u Bugarskoj i na Kipru, a posiednjih godina najviše u CZKD-u, gde razvija osobenu poetiku žestoke političke invektive i naglašenog ludičkog izraza. Objavio je dva romana i knjigu eseja. Stalni je politički i umetnički kritičar dnevnika Danas. Dobitnik je nagrade „Desimir Tošić“ za publicistiku, norveške Internacionalne Ibzenove stipendije i stipendije bečkog MuseumsQuartiera. Njegova predstava Übiti Zorana Đinđića učestvovala je u glavnom programu 47 Bitefa 13. „üvezujud songove sa igranim scenama iz Ibzenovog Neprijatelja naroda, ali i sa prizorima koji imaju dokumentarističku osnovu u našem političkom i društvenom životu, izvođad su stvorili snažno angažovan teatar. Njegova svrha je učenje gledalaca kako da otkriju i dokažu (skrivenu) istinu u društvu, ali i da nas osveste o neophodnosti borbe za ličnu slobodu, jer smo bez slobode ništa... Pozorište ovde vraća humanost na društvenu scenu, onu koju je zverski kapitalizam proterao.” Ana Tasid Politika

21 st SEPTEMBER, 21:00


Go, my plays, to the lonely and the unsatisfied. Go also to the nerve-racked, go to the enslaved-by-convention of slaves and masters. Go as a great wave of cool water. Bear to them my contempt for their oppressors. Speak against conscious oppression, Speak against unconscious oppression Speak against the tyranny of the unimaginative. Speak against bonds. Go to the people from the margins of society, Go to the hideously exploited. Go to those who hide their failure, Go to those who hide their might, Go to those who hide their whip Those who hide their disgrace, And those who hide their abhorrence. Go like a blight upon the numbness of high society Strengthen the subtle cords. Bring confidence upon the algae and the tentacles of the soul. Free variation of Further Instructions by Ezra Pound ZLATKO PAKOVIĆ was born in 1968. He graduated in Theatre and Radio Direction from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. He has directed plays in Bulgaria and Cyprus and of late primarily at the CZKD in Belgrade where he has developed a uniquely poetic yet vehement political invective and markedly ludic expression. He has published two novels and a book of essays. He is a regular political and art critic of Danas daily. Paković has been awarded “Desimir Tošić” Award for non-fiction and was a beneficiary of Norwegian International Ibsen scholarship and a grant of Vienna’s MuseumsQuartiers. His production of To kill Zoran Djindjic was shown within the Main Programme of 47 th Bitef 13. “By interlacing songs with acted scenes of Ibsen's Enemy of the People and scenes based on documents of our political and social life, the performers created a powerfully committed theatre. Its purpose is to teach the spectators how to discover and prove (the concealed) truth in a society and to make us aware that it is indispensable to fight for personal freedom as we are nothing without freedom... Here the theatre puts back on the social stage the humaneness which bestial capitalism has chased away." Ana Tasić, Politika