
„Kroz rekonstrukciju TV intervjua predsednika Tomislava Nikolića, Paković razotkriva konkretne značenjske stojeve u samom političkom diskursu, kojih smo verovatno nesvesni, ili smo zaboravili da ih primećujemo. Odmah zatim stiže i drugi ’udarac’, priča o društvenim gubitnicima, ljudima koji su ne svojom krivicom ostali na marginama društva. Glumci, u možda najboljem i najjednostavnijem stejtmentu predstave oblače odeću tih ljudi da bi nam saopštili njihove (stvarne) sudbine. Može li pozorište biti angažovanije? lako sve ovo na papiru može zazvučati profesorski sumorno i teško, jedan od neporecivih kvaliteta predstave je svakako i njena lakoća, dobar ritam i, iznenađujuće, zabava.” Boban Jevtić, NIN

“By reconstructing a TV interview given by President Tomislav Nikolić, Paković discloses concrete layers of meaning in the political discourse itself that we are probably unaware of or have forgotten to notice them. It is followed by the second „blow" straightaway: a story about social losers, people who have remained on the fringes of the society through no fault of their own. The actors, in perhaps the best and simplest statement of the production, don the clothes of such individuals in order to convey to us their (real) destinies. Can the theatre be more committed? Although it can sound professorially gloomy and difficult when put on paper, one of the undeniable qualities of this production is its lightness, good rhythm and, surprise, surprise, entertainment.” Boban Jevtić, NIN