
19. SEPTEMBAR, 17:00 I 20:00 Narodno pozorište - scena „Raša Plaović" Bosansko narodno pozorište Zenica, Wien Kultur, BMUKK, Trembles Verein für freies Theater, Hundsturmfestival MESS Dorutnina Basha. Almir Bašović, Almir Imširević - BALKANSKI REKVIJEM Trajanje: 120’ (nakon predstave sled! razgovor sa publikom) Režija i adaptaeija: Stevan Bodroža Uloge: Jan Hutter, Sylvia Haider, Ana Stefanović-Bilić, Jens Olle Schmieder Dramaturgija: Asja Krsmanović Scenografija: Vedran Hrustanović Kostimografija: Lejla Hodžić Scenski pokret: Sanja Burić Izbor muzike: Stevan Bodroža Producenti: Hazim Begagić, Jaschka Laemmert, Ana Stefanović Bilić, Wolfgang Schlag, Dino Mustafić Izvrlna producentkinja: Sandra Ikanović Inspicijent: Borka Jokanović Fotografija: Muhamed Tunović-Badi Balkanski rekvijem je projekat koji se bavi problemom nestalih u ratovima na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije. Na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije još uvek se čak 10.000 ljudi vodi kao nestalo. Tragične i nerasvetljene sudbine ovih ljudi pokazuju kako su zemlje Zapadnog Balkana svoju mračnu, nedavnu prošlost samo gurnule pod tepih i nastavile svoj istorijski put sa potisnutom traumom koja pre ill kasnije preti da stvori nove mržnje i sukobe. Heterogenom formom predstava Balkanski rekvijem pokušava da osvetli ovaj fenomen iz što više uglova i da postavi što vise pitanja. Balkanski rekvijem je predstava o dogadajima i fenomenima koji su formirali sve nas, koji su sastavni deo našeg kolektivno nesvesnog i koji bespovratno slikaju pejzaž naše sadašnjosti i budućnosti.

SEPTEMBER 19™, 17:00 AND 20:00 National Theatre - Scene "Raša Plaović” Bosnian National Teatre Zenica, Wien Kultur, BMUKK, Trembles Verein für freies Theater, Hundsturm Festival MESS Dorutnina Basha, Almir Bašović, Almir Imširević - BALKAN REQUIEM Duration: 120’ (After the performance discussion with the audience) Direction and adaptation: Stevan Bodroža Cast: Jan Hutter, Sylvia Haider, Ana Stefa nović-Bi lie, Jens Olle Schmieder Dramaturgy: Asja Krsmanović Set design: Vedran Hrustanović Costume design: Lejla Hodžić Stage movement: Sanja Burić Music selection: Stevan Bodroža Producers: Hazim Begagić, Jaschka Laemmert, Ana Stefanović-Bilić, Wolfgang Schlag, Dino Mustafić Executive producer: Sandra Ikanović Stage manager: Borka Jokanović Photography; Muhamed Tunović-Badi Balkan Requiem addresses the problem of missing people who disappeared during wars in the former Yugoslavia in 19905. There are still as many as 10,000 people registered as missing in the former Yugoslav territory. The tragic and uncertain destiny of these individuals clearly shows how the Western Balkan countries have swept their dark recent history under the carpet and proceeded along their historical path with a suppressed trauma which sooner or later threatens to generate new hatreds and conflicts. With its heterogeneous form Balkan Requiem attempts to shed light on this phenomenon from as many angles as possible and ask as many questions as possible. Balkan Requem is a production about events and phenomena which educated us all, which are an integral part of our collective subconscious and which forever paint the landscape of our present and our future.