
20. SEPTEMBAR, 13:00 Dorn omladine Beograda, sala Amerikana POD teatar, Beograd, Srbija i ZID teatar, Amsterdam. Holandija POZORIŠTE ZAJEDNICE, prezentacija projekta Trajanje: 120’ Prezentaciju vode: Karolina Spaić i Tatjana Pajović Saradnja ZID teatra iz Amsterdama i POD teatra iz Beograda započela je na 15. Bitef Polifoniji 2014. predstavom Sa krovova sveta. Ove godine grupe će predstaviti početak procesa rada na projektu pozorišta zajednice, koji će biti zaokružen zajedničkom predstavom 2016. godine na 17. Bitef Polifoniji. Kao učesnici u četvorogodišnjem medunarodnom projektu Caravan Next - Social-artistic practice in Europe, u kome učestvuje jedanaest evropskih i pet zemalja sa drugih kontinenata, ZID teatar poziva POD teatar na saradnju na ovom važnom projektu, kao najznačajnijeg predstavnika pozorišta zajednice iz Srbije i Bitef Polifoniju kao najvažniju platformu ovog pozorišta u Srbiji i regionu. ZID TEATAR povezuje umetnost, kulturu i društvo, razvijanjem kreativnog talenta ljudi, što čini pokretački motor pozitivnih promena. ZID teatar - Centar za umetnost i pozorište zajednice, kulturna je organizacija osnovana u Amsterdamu 1991. godine. Karolina Spaić, pozorišna rediteljka, i Sebo Baker, glumac i trener, cine njegovo umetničko jezgro od samog početka. Od 2003. godine ZID poseduje sopstveni prostor u Amsterdamu, koji predstavlja njegovu bazu. Od tada, ZID stvara predstave, organizuje festivale i aktivan je u raznim kulturno-umetničkim oblastima. 2011. godine, ZID je dobio prestižnu nacionalnu nagradu Nagradnog fonda Holandskog kraljevstva ..Apple of Orange“ u okviru projekta Umetnost koja pokreće. POD TEATAR (Projekat objektivna drama) osnovala je Tatjana Pajović, balerina i glumica, posle vise od petnaest godina profesionalnog rada u savremenom pozorištu i dugogodišnje saradnje sa Teatrom „Speech! e Memorie" iz Milana i rediteljem i pedagogom Masimom Đanetijem. Teatar se bavi izučavanjem i istraživanjem u oblasti društvenih fenomena, kulture, psihologije i komunikologije, kroz specifične teatarske tehnike, razvijajud praksu primenjenog pozorišta, posebno ističući teatar zajednice kao oblik aktivaeije i funkeionisanja lokalne zajednice.

SEPTEMBER 20™, 13:00 Belgrade Youth Centre - Americana Hall POD Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia and ZID Theatre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands COMMUNITY THEATRE, project presentation Presentation moderators: Karolina Spaić and Tatjana Pajović The cooperation between ZID Theatre in Amsterdam and POD Theatre in Belgrade began at the 15 th Bitef Polyphony 14 with the production From the Rooftops of the World. This year, the groups will present the beginning of their work in the community theatre project to be rounded off with a joint production at the 17 th Bitef Polyphony in 2016. As a participant and a four-year international project Caravan Next - Social-artistic practice in Europe including 11 European and 5 countries from other continents. ZID Theatre invites POD Theatre to cooperate in this important project considering POD is the most significant representative of the community theatre in Serbia, and in the program of Bitef Polyphony, it being the most important platform of this theatre in Serbia and across the region. ZID THEATRE links art, culture and society by developing the creative talent of people, which is the driving force of positive changes. ZID Theatre - the Centre for Art and Community Theatre is a cultural organisation founded in Amsterdam in 1991. Karolina Spaić, theatre director and Sebo Baker, actor and coach have been its artistic nucleus from the beginning. As of 2003 ZID has its own space in Amsterdam. Ever since it has created productions, organised festivals and been active in the field of arts for the community, cultural education and participation in culture. In 2011 ZID won the prestigious Award of the Oranje Fonds; “The Apple of Orange” within project Art that sets in motion. POD THEATRE (Project Objective Drama) was founded by Tatjana Pajović, ballet dancer and actress, after more than 15 years of professional work in the contemporary theatre and long cooperation with “Specchi e memorie” Theatre in Milan and its director and educator Massimo Gianetti. It studies and researches in the field of social phenomena, culture, psychology and science of communication and applies it through specific theatre techniques thereby developing the practice of applied theatre with a special emphasis on the community theatre as a form of activation and functioning of local communities.