
X ALEKSANDAR DENIĆ, scenograf, autor je velikog broja pozorišnih i filmskih scenografija i iziožbi u zemlji i inostranstvu, Dobitnik je prestižnih domaćih i svetskih nagrada i priznanja. U godišnjoj anketi stručnog pozorišnog časopisa Teatar hojte (Theater heute), u kojoj su učestvovala 44 pozorišna kritičara iz Nemačke, Austrije i Švajcarske, Aleksandar Denić proglasen je za scenografa godine u Nemačkoj 2014, To prestižno priznanje dobio je za rad na scenografiji predstave Putovanje nakraj noći (Reise ans Ende der Nacht) u režiji Franka Kastorfa u minhenskom Rezidencteatru. iste godine, u godišnjoj anketi časopisa Dojče bine (Deutsche Bühe) za sezonu 2013-2014, nagraden je za izuzetan doprinos razvoju scenografije. Ova nagrada, baš kao i nemačka nacionalna nagrada „Faust“, dodeljena mu je za scenografiju Vagnerove operske tetralogije Ersten Nibelunga u režiji Franka Kastorfa i u produkciji Operskog festivala u Bajrojtu. Časopis Opernveit proglasio ga je najboljim scenografom za sezonu 20132014. Godine 2015. Aleksandar Denić drugi put zaredom proglasen je scenografom godine u Nemačkoj, ovoga puta za predstavu Baal u režiji Franka Kastorfa u minhenskom Rezidencteatru.

x ALEKSANDAR DENIĆ, set designer, has authored a large number of theatre and film sets and exhibitions in the country and abroad. Fie has won prestigious domestic and international tributes and awards. Theater Heute, a professional theatre journal, in its annual poll in 2014, involving 44 theatre critics from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, proclaimed Aleksandar Denić the set designer of the year in Germany, Fie won this prestigious title for the sets he did for Reise ans Ende der Nacht, directed by Frank Castorf at Munich’s Residenztheater. That same year, the annual poll of Deutsche Buhne magazine for the season of 2013/14 awarded him for his outstanding conribution to the advancement of set design. This award as well as The Faust, the German national prize, were conferred on him for the sets of Wagner’s opera tetralogy The Ring of the Nibelung directed by Frank Castorf and produced by the Opera Festival in Bayreuth. Opernwelt magazine proclaimed him the best set designer in the 2013/14 season. In 2015, for the second time, Aleksandar Denić was pronounced the set designer of the year in Germany for the sets of Baal directed by Frank Castorf at Munich’s Residenztheater.

Photo by Thomas Aurin