

x TOMAS IRMER je roden u Potsdamu 1962. godine. Živi u Berlinu. Na Lajpciškom univerzitetu diplomirao je na katedri za englesku i nemačku književnosti. Doktorat je stekao 1994, godine sa disertacijom o postmodernoj američkoj književnosti. Predavao je, i predaje, dramu i pozorišne studije na univerzitetima u Lajpcigu, Bafalu, Berlinu, Njujorku i Osnabriku. Od 1998. do 2003. godine bio je glavni i odgovorni urednik mesečnika Theater der Zeit, a od 2003. godine je dramaturg medunarodnog pozorišnog festivala spielzeiteuropa na Berliner Festspiele (radi za Roberta Lepaža Džona, Džezurana, Pitera Bruka i Franka Kastorfa. Član je 111 Nemačke i ko-direktor Internationale Heiner Müller Gesellschaft, a bio je član raznih žirija, između ostaiih, na berlinskom Theatertreffen Stückemarkt 2005, Međunarodnom pozorišnom festivalu KONTAKT. Torun, Poljska 2007, 2008. i 2016, festivalu POSZT, Pečuj, Mađarska, 2010, Borštinikovom festivalu, Maribor, Slovenija, 2010-13, Kinderstücke Mülheimer Theatertage od 2010, a od 2003. i član žirija za radio-dramsku nagradu Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden.

x THOMAS IRMER was born in Potsdam in 1962 and lives in Berlin, Graduated in English and German literature at Leipzig University, PhD with a dissertation on postmodern American literature in 1994. Has taught drama and theatre studies at universities in Leipzig, Buffalo, Berlin, New York and Osnabrück. From 1998 to 2003 editor-in-chief of the monthly journal Theater der Zeit, and from 2003 to 2006 dramaturge of the international theatre festival spielzeiteuropa at Berliner Festspiele (working for Robert Lepage, John Jesurun, Peter Brook, and Frank Castorf). He is a member of ITI Germany, co-director of International Heiner Müller Gesellschaft and has worked in various juries, e.g. Berlin Theatertreffen Stückemarkt 2005; International Theatre Festival KONTAKT Torun, Poland, 2007, 2008 and 2016; POSZT festival, Pecs, Hungary, 2010; Borstnikovo festival, Maribor, Slovenia, 2010-13; Kinderstücke Mülheimer Theatertage, since 2010; and for the radio drama award Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden, since 2003.

Fotografija / Photo: Stella Irmer