
INTERVJU JERNEJA LORENCIJA DNEVNOM LISTU DANAS JERNEJ LORENCI, SLOVENAČKI POZORIŠNI REDITELJ Zašto volimo biti samo junači ili samo žrtve? Slovenački autor Jernej Lorenci, jedan od najznačajnijih pozorišnih reditelja u regionu, priprema svoju prvu beogradsku predstavil Pile: Marija Krtlnić Beograd, 11. jun 2017. godine Projekat Epika balkanika, 1 osmišljen po motivima srpske epske poezije, koprodukcija je Drame Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu i Bitef teatra, a premijera je planirana na jesen u okviru narednog 51. Bitefa. Na ovom festivalu publika je više puta imala prilike da pogleda projekte ovog autora - Oluja, Pomahnitala lokomotiva, llijada, od kojih su neki i nagrađivani na ovoj manifestaciji. Lorenci važi za jednog od najproduktivnijih slovenačkih reditelja, a medu više od 40 potpisanih predstava ( Antigona, Medeja, Don Žuan, Oteio), cesto se nalaze komadi inspirisani drevnim pričama i mitovima. Tako je na sceni SNG Drame u Ljubljani nedavno postavic Bibliju. O mitu i njegovom uticaju na naše poimanje prošlosti i sadašnjosti u razgovoru za Danas govori Jernej Lorenci.

'U trenutku nastanka intervjua, ovo je bio radni naziv predstave.

JERNEJ LORENCI INTERVIEW - DANAS DAILY JERNEJ LORENCI, SLOVENIAN THEATRE DIRECTOR Why do we like being either complete heroes or complete victims? Slovenian author Jernej Lorenci, one of the most renowned theatre directors in the region, is preparing his first Belgrade performance. By: Marija Krtinić Belgrade, 11th June, 2017 The Project Epika Balkanika , ' based on Serbian epic poetry, is a co-production of the National Theatre in Belgrade and Bitef Theatre and is scheduled to open at 51 st Bitef, The festival audience has already had a chance to see this author’s works - The Tempest, The Crazy Locomotive, The Iliad, some of which have been awarded at this festival. Lorenci is considered one of the most prolific Slovenian directors, and among more than 40 performances he has made so far C Antigone, Medea, Don Juan, Othello'), many are inspired by ancient stories and myths. One of the latest examples is The Bible he has recently staged at the Slovenian National Theatre. We have spoken with him about the myth and its impact on our understanding of the past and the present. Epika Balkanica is going to be the first performance you have directed in Belgrade. Could you tell us more about it - which works of Serbian epic poetry will it be based on and what will be your basic plotline? - The final selection will be made together with actors and associates. I would first like to hear how those texts sound, the interpretation they offer, the imagination they stir, the emotion they provoke. What I already do know for sure, however, are the topics I am interested in: beauty and strength of the (old) poetry, the relationship between the hero and the victim and what it is that makes us desire to be complete heroes or complete victims, and how thin the line between the two positions is, to which extent the past influences the present and why it can become (self-) murderous, the cruelty and love too, of course. It will be interesting by all means.

'When the interview was made, this was the working title of the performance.